Everything is happening at once

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Haven and Bailey arrived home. Haven quickly put Bailey to bed and then she sat on the couch alone, thinking about what she did.

Havens POV

Did I make the right choice? Ethan didn't seem so upset. He said jack was heart broken and even hurt himself over Sam. I'm not saying I want Ethan to be hurt, but this jealousy thing is very annoying. I'm the older sister. I'm supposed to be the good role model for Sam. Yet there she is, three kids one on the way, a wonderful husband who takes care of her and loves her more than the air he breathes. She has a beautiful house in Brighton, a successful job, lovely kids, great life. She is so happy. Then there is me.

I've been cheated on, engaged twice. Married to a nice guy, who ignores me all the time. A wonderful son and a beautiful baby boy and a girl on the way. Yet the dad is being such a prick I don't even want this kid. I don't want her to grow up without a father figure. I live in a decent house, have a decent job, decent life. I know I'm selfish for wanting more, but I don't find it fair for how mean and horrible sam used to be, yet she is gifted with the perfect life. I have been nothing but nice all my life and this is what I get. Some times I question if I was right, choosing Blue boy as my husband. Sure he is a great guy, but is he really marriage material. Even Mark and Amy are perfect.

I expected Ethan to come running after me. Him knocking on the door, pouring rain, him soaking wet, apologizing for how rude he has been. Yet here I am alone on this couch thinking of the changes I could have made for my kids to have a better life. I hope Finn grows up to be nothing like me or his father or Ethan. I want him to grow up like jack. Nice, funny, sweet, and goofy all at the same time. I wonder if Ethan even cares that I'm gone. When I left he was asleep on the couch. Oh and don't get me started on finnely choosing his side rather than mine. You don't know how hurt I am about that. I honestly don't know what to do. But I know one thing, Ethan will be no where near me when I give birth to this precious baby girl.

(Time skip)

It's been two weeks since I left. I haven't even gotten a call from him. Bailey has been quite the handful lately. He won't sleep. And if he doesn't sleep. Neither do I. I went to get an ultrasound yesterday. The doctor said everything looks good. But he said because of how tense and stressed I have been, the baby will come early. I don't know if I could handle a newborn plus Bailey on my own. I was on the couch reading a book when there was a knock on the door. My hopes were high thinking it was Ethan. But when I opened the door it was Sean. I asked what he was doing here but he just hugged me. I was so grateful he came. He really is the perfect guy. We talked for hours, he told me he snuck away and no one knew he was here. He told me about Ethan and how his reacted to me wanting a break. I wanted to feel bad but I had so much anger towards him at the moment I couldn't.

Narrators POV

That next day Sean and haven got another surprise. There was a knock on the door. Haven opened it to see Sam. Sean quickly hid. He knew if Sam found out that he came here without her knowing, he'd pretty much be dead.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" Haven asked.

"We need to talk." Was all she said walking in.

"About what?" Haven asked.

"Ethan who else. Do you know what you have done to him?" Sam asked becoming fed up already.

"He ignores me. I did the right thing by leaving." Haven said walking into the kitchen where Sean was hidden.

"Don't you care about him?" Sam asked following haven, but not spotting Sean.

"I don't know anymore. You should just go and be happy with your perfect life." Haven shouted.

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