Another 6 months apart

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With vidcon in two months, Haven decided to have a get together party with everyone before leaving. She was missing everyone and she thought everyone was missing them. Each other. Haven created a group chat that consist of her, Ethan, Tyler, Mark, Felix, Jack, Sam, Bob and Wade.

"Hey guys! I wanted to see us all together again so I took it upon myself to buy, the ones that need it, plane tickets and invite everyone over so we can see each other away from vidcon. Hope we can see you guys soon!
          With love,

Haven then left the house while Finnley was at school and Ethan was sleeping after editing the night away to a little cafe on the corner of her street. She sat down and slowly drank her coffee, enjoying the peace a quiet before her phone started blowing up. She knew it was the group chat and answered right away.

"Bob: I would love to see you all again!

Wade: I'm sitting next to you

Bob: I meant all of them

Wade: oh right

Mark: I absolutely love this idea

Jack: Sam and I agree

Sam: hey I can reply for myself

Jack: sorry babe

Sam: that's alright

Tyler: hey guys

Ethan: sorry I just woke up. Had a long night of editing

Mark: that's alright

Tyler: where's the woman who started this

Haven: right here. Sorry I was at the cafe

Ethan: so that's where you went

Tyler: wow Ethan can't even keep track of your girlfriend

Ethan: shut it

Haven: ok so this weekend. People who need to fly, flights leave at 10am Saturday morning everyone else meet up at my place Saturday night. Also people who fly have an express flight so you'll be here by 5.

Sam: awwww thanks sis

Jack: what a great sister-in-law

Haven: thanks y'all


Tyler: now you lost your basically son

Haven: babe. It's Friday. He has school.

Ethan: oh right

Bob: so Saturday around 4?

Wade: if that works?

Haven: perfect! See everyone then!"

Then have left the group chat and started walking back to her house when she got a text from Ethan. Away from the group chat.

"Hey babe, are you sure about this?

Of corse I am. Why wouldn't I be?

Idk. I just hope everything goes alright.
It will. Now I'm on my way back with some breakfast for you so stop texting me if you want me to come home."

There was no reply. She knew that would work. As she walked she thought about Ethan's words. What if everything fell apart and no one wanted to see each other and they were just being nice because it was a group chat? This is where havens anxiety kicked in. She was scared which made it worse. The last time she had an attack was when Sam has her first case of the döda virus. She went down an alley way and leaned against a wall for support. She soon slid down and grabbed her phone. She sent Ethan a text.

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