Vidcon,gender reveal,and youtube names

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Haven was excited with packing and making sure not to forget anything. Then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Haven yelled

"Hey jc."

"Hey Haven."

"I'm so glad u came by"

"I wanted to say bye before u leave tonight."

"That means a lot but I have a huge favor to ask if u"

"Sure what is it?"

"Are u ok with watching Finnely while we are gone?"

"Of corse u know I love the little guy"

"Hey I'm not little I'm 6!"

"Sorry bud"

"It's alright dad come on in and help me pack a bag to ur place"

"U got it man"

It was that conversation that broke Haven inside. She was really good at hu ding feelings but this one could be seen a mile away.

"Hey Sam.."

"Yeah Haven?"

"Girl talk time?"

"Of corse! To ur bedroom"

Once they past the thrust hold Haven started crying.

"What wrong Haven?"

"Finnely called Jc dad."

"This is good he's moved on from u know who"

"But I don't like Jc like that..."

"Oh Haven, u don't have to. As long as Finnely has a father figure everything will be alright."

"But I like someone else like that.."


The girls spent all night staying up like school girls talking about Haven's mystery man.

Everyone was staying at Haven's for a big sleepover. Everyone was in the living room and the girls were upstairs.

In the living room almost all the guys were playing with Finnely. There were board games, movies, Legos, and dinosaurs. Jc even stayed which Finnely loved. Before they all knew it, it was morning. Mark made Pancakes and Cereal for everyone and when the forls came out from Haven's room the first words out of his mouth were "I thought u guys who never return"

"Well we may have acted like school girls but we won't sneak out like ones."

"Well good morning to u two"

"Morning Felix"

They all ate and then Jc and Finnely left and the others headed for the airport ready to do this thing.

When they arrived to their hotel they decided on rooms and roommates. It was a two queen beds per room type of situation. One room was Jack, Mark, Felix, and Ethan and the other was Sam and Haven. Haven thought it was going to be pretty funny to see who sleeps which who but for now they had to get ready for their first ever vidcon.

"Hey Sam look at this." Jack said looking out the window. They all hung out in one room until it was time to go to bed.

"What's up?" Sam asked walking over to the window.

"Look." Jack pointed at the billboard.

"Wow Seàn that's incredible. You are actually on a billboard for vidcon! And look at all of the fans down there!" Sam said excitedly.

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