Drum x Reader Part 2

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It's been a few days since Tenbu died. I knew Drum and Gao are probably beating them selves up for losing the Buddyfight. I just stood in front of Gao's house wondering what I could say to cheer them up.

I was about to knock when the door open and Gao was staring at me. " hi, (Name)! What are you doing here?" Gao asked me. " I was getting worried about you two. Are you okay?" I said in concerned. Gao seem confused. " Of course I am (Name). Both you and Tasuku are worrying to much." Gao said as I gave him a odd look.

" Is Drum up stairs? I would like to talk with him." I told Gao who made room for me to come inside. I climbed up the stairs to Gao room where I found Drum. " (Name)! What are you doing here!?" Drum exclaimed in surprise. " I wanted to see you. Are you alright?" I repeated my concern to Drum.

" You should be asking Gao that. The kid has been using Hero World instead of Dragon world." Drum told me. " What! Drum, please me that you're joking!" I exclaimed. " Sorry, (Name) I'm not joking." He told me. " What about you becoming a Omni lord?" I asked.

" The thing is (Name), I'm not sure I can be a Omni lord. I really don't know if I can surpass Tenbu." Drum told me. Now I was getting mad. " that's ridiculous! Drum, you can be a Omni lord I believe in you! If you keep that attitude I'm going to get your Dad!" I shouted earning a surprise look. " Wow, that was a pretty good speech (Name). Okay I will try to become a Omni lord just watch me!" Drum said with that fire in his eyes.

I smiled as I kissed Drum on his horn on his nose. " That's the Drum I know." I said as I turned to leave. As I left the house I wonder if Drum had a cold because he looked red in the face.

Hope you guys like it. If anybody has any more requests for me to do I would love to hear them. Have fun reading everyone.     

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