Axia x Reader Part 3

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" Axia is being weird today? My friend asked. " Really? I didn't notice!" I said surprised. " Did you two have a fight?" My friend asked looking concerned as I shook my head.

" No, maybe I should ask him." I mused while pondering. I got home late because of work. I started cooking before Axia made an appearance and maybe just maybe, I can get an answer from him this way.

" Something smells really good!" Axia exclaimed delighted. " Well, thank you!" I chuckled as I made his plate. As we ate, Axia was still quiet even after we finished. I was upset at the thought of him being mad for some reason. " Maybe, I did hurt his feelings." I thought glumly. As I finally gave up on coaxing Axia. " Hey, (Name) can we talk?" He asked.

" Sure! Is something bothering you?" I question. " Well, yes something is bothering me." He told me and my heart broke. " He doesn't want be my Buddy anymore." I thought. " Go ahead, Axia. I really want to hear it." I coax him. " Yesterday, you said you love me. I just want to say I love you too!" Axia proclaimed.

I started laughing in joy at hearing that. " I really do love you, Axia!" I exclaimed happily as I hugged him. I don't care about what anybody will say! As long as Axia stays with me, I'm fine.

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