Abygale x Reader Part 3

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" Abygale, where are you!" I called out as I looked for the black dragon. Gao had randomly wanted a game of hide and seek, I was it. I manage to find everyone expect for Abygale.

" Stop being stubborn and come out already!" I shouted as I thought i heard a chuckle. I smirked as a idea popped in my mind. " If you don't come out, I'll call you by your nickname for a week!" I threaten with a evil laugh. Abygale appeared immediately.

" Don't you dare!" He shouted at me. I just laughed at how my plan worked. Abygale just glared at me. " You get bored really easily, don't you?" He asked me. " I'm mischievous." I simply replied as he sighed.

" Some times, I wonder why I love you." He commented as I blushed. " You love me!" I exclaimed in surprise earning a nod. "I love you too, Abygale." I added while blushing. " Wow, this is the longest you went without saying my nickname." Abygale commented while I shrugged off the comment.

" We should go to where the others." I told him as I started walking to where everyone was at. I couldn't help but smile, when Abygale walked next to me. No matter what, he's my black dragon.

Sorry it's short everyone. I just learn that my morning is really busy. Tomorrow, I'm going on a short trip and I'll be back on Saturday. If I can go on it, because some times my family trips end up being cut short or someone is sick. Anyway, have fun reading everyone!

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