Drum x Dragon Knight Reader

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I was petting on my dragon Lavender. We were enjoying the beautiful day outside. " Hey (Name)!" A voice called out. I look up and see Drum. " Drum. Are you here to tell me that dragons are better than dragon knights  again?" I ask.

Lavender looks very confused. She didn't know that Drum and I have an rivalry. " Not this time. I just wanted to talk with you." Drum says. I was very surprise. " I want to end our rivalry. I want to be your friend instead of your rival." He told me.

" Are you sick, Drum?" I ask him." No. I'm just tired of getting into arguments with you." Drum replied. I thought for a few minutes. I almost immediately realize that I was tired of arguing too. " Okay. From now on, i'll be your friend." I told him.

The dragon smiles at me and I found myself blushing. I quickly left the area with Lavender before Drum could see my blush. " Lavender. Please don't tell Drum that I have a crush on him. The light purple dragon gives me a look that says. " Do you really think that I will be able to tell him that?"

I hope that I won't start blushing the next time I see Drum. I'm not ready to tell him about my feelings yet.

I'm sorry! I was having a lot of trouble thinking of a plot for this one shot. I'll make a part two for this sometime. Next up is Bolt x Reader. Then I'm writing a Kanata x Reader after that. 

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