Ranma x Reader

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(This one shot is set between episode 4 of Ace and the upcoming episode.)

" Oh wow... You certainly weren't kidding when you said Yuga is sick, Haru. But why is he upset?" I said as I stare at the pouting yet obviously sick Yuga. He was sitting on his bed cover up in blankets to keep warm. " He was supposed to go over ideas with Ranma for an new video for the RanGa channel today." Haru answered my question.

" So why am I here?" I asked in confusion. " Because I want you to take my place today!" Yuga called out. He does know I can hear him from over here just fine, right? Wait a minute... He wants me to do what?! 

" I can't take your place! I mean, where am I meeting Ranma and what if he wants to make this video after we come up with an idea?!" I exclaimed. " First, you are meeting Ranma at his house. Second, you will do a great job on making a video. Just don't get flustered around Ranma because I know about your huge crush on him." Yuga said before he sneezed into a Kleenex.

I look at Haru who immediately looks away from me. I should have known better than telling him about my crush on Ranma. Knowing that I can't refuse helping an friend in need. I leave the bedroom and quickly leaving the house.


" Okay (Name). You have known him since elementary school. Although this is the first time you have been alone with him. But hey, you can do this without messing up." I thought as I knock on the front door. I waited patiently for a few seconds before the orange haired boy opens the door. " Hi (Name) Yuga called me and said that you are substituting for him." Ranma smiled.

" Is he trying to make me sound like an substitute teacher?" I asked while giggling. " I honestly don't know." Ranma laughed while stepping back so I can enter his house. I walk inside and quickly take off my shoes to avoid being rude.

I walk into the living while resisting the urge to frown. I never liked how Ranma's parents are always too busy. My parents are busy people, but at least they make time for me. I must have been lost in my thoughts because when I finally snap back to reality, Ranma is sitting on the couch with a notebook on his lap.

" Finished daydreaming yet, (Name)?" He asked with an very obvious teasing smile. I simply nod as I walk over to the couch and sit down next to him. I actually had fun tossing around ideas with Ranma. Although I have to repress the urge to lean against him. I used to do that when we were younger. But it's different now since I have a crush on him.

" You know you can lean against me. I will be perfectly fine with it." Ranma told me. " Are you sick or something? You always complained when I lean against you." I asked him. This is definitely new and surprising.

" I actually miss it. And I miss doing half the things we used to." My mind went blank until I realized what he was talking about. We never really hang out anymore by ourselves anymore since Yuga always tags along. The other things are just us holding hands and the we used to hug more often than we do now.

" It's kinda funny how much you missed the good times makes you realize how you feel about someone important when you should have realized it before."

" What are you getting at, Ranma?"

" I'm in love with you, (Name)." Ranma softly smiled. I almost stop breathing for a moment. "That wasn't the aces thing I have ever heard. But I love you too, Ranma." I said happily before I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. After a few seconds I feel him kiss me back. 

I really have to thank Yuga later when I know he is contagious. I don't want to get sick before my first date with Ranma.

( I wonder if there will be an episode where Yuga gets an cold. Anyway, next up is Subaru x Reader.)

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