Yuga x Reader

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(Yuga hasn't met Garga yet in this one shot)

I watch the two tone hair color boy taking stuff out of an box. I think he said it belonged to his aunt who brought it to his house for Haru. The little boy had given Yuga the box to help him find an new thing to put on his channel.

" I'm starting to think we should go back to square one." Ranma sighed as he lays back on Yuga's bed. I forgot that he was here too. I need to remember him more often.

" Don't be like that. I'm sure there is something fun in this box." Yuga told him while pulling out an rubber ball. I watch as he bounces it with that smile of his on his face.

" Argh!!! I can't think of that! Yuga is just an friend! I can't develop an crush on him! He probably only sees me as an friend, so I can't ruin our friendship!" I frantically thought while outwardly being calm.

" Hey (Name). Do you think that I should use this ball in our next segment?" Yuga suddenly asked me.

I stare at him in surprise. I didn't expect him to ask my opinion. " O-oh sure. Maybe you should use it for an game similar to an old Atari game." I suggested.

Ranma quickly sits up and stares at me like I came from another world. Even Yuga is staring at me. Did I say something really weird?

" How do you even know about Atari, (Name)? It hasn't been around for an long time." Ranma asked me.

Oh.... Now I get it. " My dad collects old games and consoles as an hobby. He lets me play some of them." I answered with an little smile.

" Cool! Can Ranma and I come over to your house tomorrow so I can play that game you mentioned?" Yuga smiled. Be still my heart.

" S-sure." I said with an small smile.

" I won't be able to go to (Name's) house tomorrow. I need to clean my room or else my mom will ground me for an week." Ranma told us while apologetically smiling.

" It's okay, Ranma. I understand that chores come first. My mom usually gets mad if I end up neglecting my chores." Yuga reassured his best friend. 

I was about to speak up when I saw Ranma playfully winking at me. It took me an full two minutes to realize why he did that. He is lying! This is an set up for me to be with Yuga!


Why do some friends have to be secret shippers?

(Next up is Ranma x Reader part 2)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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