Axia x Reader

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" (Name), wake up!" a voice called as I tried to cover my head with my blanket. " Axia! Just give me a few more minutes!" I complained. " Sorry, but you told me to wake you up." My Buddy stated.

Groaning I got up as The Dragon went out of the room to give me privacy. I finish my morning things as I looked for Axia. I found him making breakfast. " You can cook?!" I asked in surprise.

" Of course I can (Name)!" Axia rebuked me. After breakfast  I remember I had to get a gift for my friend's birthday. " Axia , we have to go now!" I exclaimed while putting on my shoes.

" So, you finally remembered the birthday?" He asked. " How do you remember these things?!" I shouted as I opened the door. As we got to my friend favorite clothes store, I notice a girl happily chatting with her Buddy Monster. " Axia do you regret being my Buddy?" I softly asked earning a surprise look.

" Of course not! Why would you say That, (Name)!?" He replied. " Because I'm always forgetting stuff and making you remember for me." I whispered while trying not to cry. " (Name), I know to Buddys that have tough moments but their really close to each other. So I don't regret being your Buddy!" Axia told me.

I giggled as I reached down to grab his hand. " Come on, I think I just saw the right present!" I exclaimed happily as I dragged him to the dresses while wondering why Axia looked embarrassed.

I loved doing this one. I miss Axia and Drum on Buddyfight , if you guys have more requests for me I'm ready to write them. By the way I'm making another story for Buddyfight look for it when I put it up. Have a very nice weekend everyone.

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