Jack x Reader.

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" Are you sure you're okay?" I asked a certain young boy. " Of course I am (Name)! You and Jack worry to much." Tasuku said to me.

I just sighed before looking at the big green Dragon. " I know you think we are worrying to much Tasuku. I just don't want the boy I see as a little brother get killed." I told Tasuku. He just shrugged off my concern and went inside the Buddy Police Headquarter.

" He knows you care about him (Name)." Jack told me. " that still doesn't help Jack! Tasuku needs us to help him! I don't care if I get hurt protecting him!" I complained at the thought of Tasuku telling me that he wanted to protect me when I was older than him.

" Well, you're right on Tasuku needs us but we should let him do what he wants." Jack said. I just grumbled. " (Name) if you want me to, I can talk to Tasuku and get him to listen a little to you." Jack told me. " Really, thanks Jack! You're the best!" I shouted happily as I hugged him. I pulled away a second later and I was surprised to see red patches on Jack's face.

" Jack are you getting sick?" I asked in concerned. " No, I'm fine (Name). You should go home." Jack said in a embarrassed tone. I decided to do what Jack said but I hope he wasn't getting sick.

I really hope you guys love it. I'm still accepting requests everyone and like I said on the last chapter I would love to hear your requests everyone. Oh, before I forget before  Valentine's day  I'm put up a valentine special story. It's going to be a Gaito x Reader story that's separated from this story, So check it out in February. Author out.

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