Subaru x Reader

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" You got to be kidding me!" I shouted as I stare at the torrents of rain in front of me. It was an good thing I am still inside the library. This is just great. The weather forecaster said it was supposed to be sunny all day. My Saturday plans are completely ruin. I should have taken back that book my brother checked out a few days yesterday instead of waiting until today.

I could just leave right now. But I'll be soaking wet long before I make it to my house. I might as well stay here until the rain lets up. I walk towards bookshelves to look for something to read. I only stop as I spot an classmate who is reading an open book in his arms. " Why did Subaru have to be here too?!" I frantically thought.

I have nothing against Subaru. Sure we don't interact often unless the teacher pairs us up for an project. But I feel like he doesn't like me since he never starts up an conversation with me. Also I do find him very attractive. And I do have an crush on him.

I take a deep breath and turn away from him. Hopefully he didn't see me. " I didn't think you actually go to the library before, (Name)." An way too familiar voice commented. There goes my hope. I turn around to see Subaru staring at me.

"  I like the school library, but I like to broaden my knowledge." I said rather lamely. Subaru raised an eyebrow at my reply. Great, he probably thinks I'm a weirdo now. " Are you sure you are not here because of the rain?" He asked me. I look away from him.

" You caught me. I was stupid enough to forget about my umbrella. I blame the weatherman for this, I wish I could hit him." I replied while mumbling the last part. I didn't hear Subaru say anything after that. He probably abandoned the conversation already.

" I can't help you with your petty revenge, (Name). But I can escort you back to your home once I finish reading an few chapters in my book." It took my brain four seconds to process what he just said. Seriously?!? The Ace of Studies is going to walk me back to my home?! What if someone from school see us?! What if they spread an rumor that we are dating?! 

" Thanks Subaru. I accept your offer." I smiled. What was I thinking?

Subaru just nods his head as he turns his attention back to his book. I have an feeling better the walk back to my house is going to be awkward.


As much as I dislike silence. The rain drops hitting the umbrella is driving me nuts. " And why did Subaru decided to walk me back home?" I thought.

" Frankly I am doing this because we need to talk, (Name)." Subaru said surprising me. I need to make sure I don't think out loud again.

" Talk about what?" I asked in confusion. He stops walking and he turns around to look at me.

" I've been curious about you ever since we were in the second grade. Every time you got hurt or failed, you were always brave even when you broke your arm. I was happy when you were placed in the same class as me because I could still observe you. However lately I have been feeling odd. When I see you smile or laugh, I feel an urge to join in on your happiness. Whenever you get hurt, I want to pick you up in my arms and take you to the nurse's office. And whenever I see you talking to another guy, I feel an emotion I never felt before. Cross informed me an week ago that I was jealous."

I just stared at him in stunned silence. Is he seriously saying what I think he is saying?

" After Cross told me that I was jealous of the other boys. I realized that I have developed feelings for you. If you feel the same way, I will remain by your side as your boyfriend." Subaru said making my heart flutter in joy.

" I have feelings for you too!" I confessed happily. I honestly would have hugged him if an loud clap of thunder didn't disturbed me.

" We should really go to my house before the storm gets worse." I said.

" I fully agree with you."

( I will be making an part two sometime. Next up is Garga x Reader.)

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