Subaru x Reader part 2

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" I can't believe that I got an C on the history test." I groaned in dismay as I stare at my test sheet. How is this possible?! I have been studying so much for the last few days with limited breaks! What is Subaru going to say about this?!

I try to think of an idea when I spot my friend Mel and her buddy monster Ema walking towards me. " Mel! Please hide my test sheet somewhere! I don't want Subaru to see it!" I begged her. They looked at me in confusion until I show them my grade.

" It isn't all that bad, (Name)." Ema said trying to make me feel better. " I'm dating Subaru Hoshiyomi, Ema. It is completely bad. He might break up with me if he sees this. I'm just lucky that I managed to hide it from him during class." I groaned.

" B-but prince Subaru loves you. He wouldn't break up with you just because of an C. You're his princess and that is the only thing that matters to him." Mel said as she took the test sheet in her hands anyway. She was holding it rather loosely like she is hoping I will change my mind and take it back from her. I wish I could change my mind. But my fear of Subaru breaking up with me due to an low grade was really powerful now.

Both Mel and Ema share an look before they leave me alone. Hopefully they are going to hide the test sheet. I will be extremely grateful if they decide to destroy it.


It's been an hour since I gave Mel my test sheet. I was now lounging on my bed and reading an good mystery novel when I hear someone knocking on my door. "Come in!" I called out thinking that my mom was wanting to enter my room.

I hear the door opening but I didn't look up from my book. " So when were you going to tell me about your test results, (Name)?" I quickly look up to see Subaru standing next to my bed. I then notice that he holding my dreaded test sheet in his right hand.

Dang it! Mel must have decided to do the right thing!

" I was going to tell you tomorrow." I said rather lamely. I shut up the moment he sits down on my bed.

" Mel told me that you are afraid that I would break up with you because of an low grade. I would never do that to you. When I confessed to you, I meant every word. I love you just the way you are." Subaru told me as he brushes of a loose strand of my hair off my face.

I blush when I realize how close his face is to my own face. I close my eyes for an second only to feel something warm press against my lips. I didn't need to open my eyes to know that Subaru is kissing me. I kiss back until we have to part of air.

" Okay, I know you are not going to break up with me because of a C. But how the heck did I get a C in the first place?" I asked.

Subaru looks at my test sheet for a few minutes before he finally says something. " I know why you got an C, (Name). This isn't your test results." My eyes widen in surprise as I snatch the tests results. I look closely at the name to see that it isn't my name at all.

This test results belong to an boy in my class who likes to pull pranks on me. " Hey Subaru. Can I borrow Cross for a few minutes? I need him to predict whether or not I should get revenge."

My request was denied in the end.

(Next up is Yuga x Reader.)

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