Gao x Reader

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" Percival, what are you doing?" I asks my Buddy, who was in the kitchen. Percival did some sign language. " You're getting ready to cook!" I exclaimed in surprise. He just stares at me. "Okay, I'll get ready to call the fire station." I reply earning a glare.

I decided to leave him alone and I went outside. I didn't get very far, when I bumped into my best friend. " Gao, I'm sorry!" I apologize. " It was my fault, I was have called first." Gao told me.

I was really surprise to hear that. " You were going to call?" I question. " Yeah, my mom learned about you and Percival being by yourself tonight. She said that, she wants you stay the over with us tonight." Gao tells me.

" That's great!" I'll tell Percival and get him to stop cooking." I reply. Gao looked surprise to hear about Percival cooking. I somehow manage to get the stubborn phantom to stop what he was doing. " We're ready!" I called out, as I got out of my house. " Did Percival argue?" Gao asks me.

" Yes. for someone who can't talk, he can still argue." I sigh. We finally got to the house, and I had a lot of fun. " How could you understand Percival, (Name)" Drum asks me. Gao and I were hang out in his room, while Percival was trying to have a conversation with Drum.

" I taught him sign language." I simply reply. " Um (Name), some people don't know sign language." Gao reminded me. I started blushing, as I realize that was true. " Maybe, you could teach me sign language?" Gao suggests while putting his arm around my shoulders.

My face became even more hot. " (Name), Gao! Time of bed!" Gao's mom shouts out. " But, I just started to understand what Percival is saying!" Drum complains. Gao and I just laugh, until Hanako came to take to her room. " Gao, I really hope I could tell you about my feelings towards you." I thought.

I'll make a part two sometime. The next one my part two for my Kiri x Reader story. If anyone has any requests, I would love to hear them. See you later everyone!

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