Gaito x Reader Part 2

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" Sis, your cellphone is ringing!" My older (Sister/Brother) called out as I snapped out of my daydream. I looked at my phone and my heart started beating fast, as I answered it. " Hi Gaito, I wasn't expecting a call!" I exclaimed happily. " I wanted to know if you were free tonight?" He asked me.

" Of courses I am." I responded as I mentally told myself to calm down. " Great, meet me in the park." Gaito told me as he hung up. I sighed happily as I laid down on the couch. " You're going on a date?" my (Sister/Brother) asks as I nodded

" Is he a good person?" My older sibling question as I nodded again. He/She frowned, but kept quiet as I started daydreaming again.

Later at night, I walked calmly to the park even though my stomach had butterflies. I manage to find Gaito in the almost pinch black park. " Gaito, I'm here!" I called out as I walked over to him. " I thought you got lost." He commented with a smile.

" I almost got lost, because of the clouds." I replied as I looked at the sky. I hoped it wouldn't rain. " Maybe, I should have asked you out earlier." Gaito said as he looked at the sky too. " I'm fine, if it rains." I reassured him.

As if the clouds heard me, a very heavy rain came down. " Oh, come on!" I shouted as Gaito grabbed my hand and lead us to a temporary shelter. I called my older sibling to pick us up and watched the rain come down as I hung up. " Was that lighting?" I asked as I saw a streak of light briefly appeared.

" I knew rain was in the forecast, but it never said anything about a storm." Gaito said as thunder rumble. I sighed as I finally notice how wet I was. I turned around to look at Gaito, to tell him that everything was alright. Only my surprise, he kissed me and unlike last time it was longer. " I didn't want this date to be all that bad." He told me when we parted.

I blushed again at the word date, as we were about to kiss again. When my Sister/Brother appeared. " Come on lovebirds, the radio said the storm is going to be bad!" They shouted as Gaito and I got in the car. " I hate rain, I really do!" My older sibling muttered as they drove. I didn't pay any attention, because I was happy about holding Gaito's hand.

The date was the best ever.

I hope everyone loves it. I decided to add Zanya x Reader story with my Tasuku story, if anyone wants part three for this story it will be first before the others. Have fun reading everyone!

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