Kanata x Reader

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" Come on, (Name). The ball isn't going to hurt you." My crush Kanata coaxes me. " It might! I'm not amazing at everything like you are!" I shout at him. Kanata was wanting to do something with me today. I agreed, but I should've asked what we were doing first.

" Soccer isn't so scary, (Name). It's very fun." Kanata reassures me with a warm smile on his face. I blush and reluctantly walk over to the soccer ball. I try to kick it, but I missed it. " Kanata. I think (Name) is having a hard time kicking the ball." I heard Athora  telling his buddy.

It's been three minutes now. And I still haven't kicked this stupid ball! " Hey (Name). We should do something else." Kanata says. " Like what?" I asked. I hope it wasn't more sports. " We should have a buddyfight." He cheerfully says. I found my smiling when I heard that. " That sounds wonderful." I said.

A lot of people wonder why I hang out with Kanata. I usually tell those people that I hang out with him, because he's my best friend. I still haven't got the courage to tell Kanata that I love him yet. But maybe I'll confess to him after the buddyfight.

I'll write a part two for this soon. Next up is Tetsuya x Reader.

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