Chapter 5

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Yuuri was worried as to why Viktor wasn't picking up but he knew it was his time to leave or he would miss his plane, he took his seat then buckled up and sighed while looking out the window and getting lost in thought.

before Yuuri left

y.katsuki: I don't know if it was something I said or did but I care about you viktor.

y.katsuki: I adore you more than anything in this entire world and i don't regret meeting you.

y.katsuki: to be honest, I want to tell you my true feelings but I'm afraid of rejection.

y.katsuki: you're my world, viktor. I don't want to ever lose you, no matter what. I'm mailing your birthday gift early so it's being mailed today, I can't wait until you get it.

y.katsuki: anyways, I have to go work so I hope you'll talk to me later. I'm sorry if I did something wrong.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Yuuri's plane was now in the air and he sighed while looking at the group chat panicking because Viktor left, Yuuri felt as if it was somehow his fault, it all started after he lied to Viktor saying he wouldn't date him. ' does Viktor like me? no, Viktor isn't gay. he said maybe when I asked him if he would date me. did I upset him? did I do something wrong? I hope he's not mad at me. ' He couldn't stop thinking the worst so he decided to text Yurio, since he knew Viktor the best.

y.katsuki to: russiantiger

y.katsuki: yuri? is Viktor ok? I'm worried.

russiantiger: I don't know. is he?

y.katsuki: I know you're just playing games with me. tell me. is Viktor ok?

russiantiger: no he is not okay, he fell asleep crying last night because the boy he likes rejected his love. not that you would care.

Boy he likes? Yuuri immediately felt jealous but tried his best to hide it.

y.katsuki: yuri. I'm going to tell you something I haven't told anyone else besides phitchit.

y.katsuki: I'm in love with viktor.

russiantiger: seriously?! he's been crying because you said you wouldn't date him! make up your fucking mind and stop playing games with his heart you piece of shit.

y.katsuki: woah- what- uhm, okay? first of all, I didn't even know he liked me so I had to try to hide my feelings for him as best as possible Incase he rejected me.

russiantiger: you're both idiots. are you almost here?

y.katsuki: yeah, my plane just landed.

russiantiger: alright, our address is ***** *** ******** **

y.katsuki: alright, see you soon.

When Yuuri's plane landed, he ran as fast as he could to Viktors place to see the man he loves, hopefully Viktor still loved him and wouldn't reject his love.

An hour later of being in a cab, Yuuri got out then went up the stairs and gulped when his stomach felt like it was in knots, 'what am I doing here? Viktor probably hates me, I should probably just go back to Japan and bye bye Viktor forever.', Yuuri shook off his negative thoughts then knocked on the door and when the door opened, he saw a blonde male who looked grumpy to which he assumed to be Yurio. "You're fatter in person, piggy.", Yurio snickered. "Nice to see you too, Yurio.", Yuuri chuckled as he walked in and was in awe at how big this house was, it was bigger than his house! "Yuri? Who's at the--?", Viktor walked out to see Yurio leaning against the door with Yuuri a few feet in front of him and was shocked. "Y-yuuri....?!?!", Viktor said as he cried and almost went back to his room until Yurio shouted at him telling him that him and Yuuri had talking to do, alone, together. So, with those words Yuuri walked up the stairs to Viktors room to see Viktor sitting on his bed, avoiding Yuuri's eyes. Yuuri sat on the floor at the end of Vikrors bed, "Viktor... let me explain why I said no when you asked if I would date you, I was afraid you were going to reject me if I said I would and i was afraid that you didn't like me back, so, instead of telling you the truth, I lied to you. Viktor--", Yuuri said as he slowly walked twoards Viktor. Viktor turned his head around and slowly looked at Yuuri's eyes, Viktor stood up and slightly smiled, "Viktor. I'm in love with you. I didn't expect it to happen so soon but when we started talking, my whole life seemed so much better with you in it and you around and just-- I was so much happier and i was doing better in school, I realized it was all because of you, because I was determined to work hard and do my best. just for you.", Yuuri was going to say more until Viktor kissed Yuuri on the lips with his hands on each of Yuuri's cheeks. Viktor eventually let go and smiled at him, "Yuuri, I've been in love with you since day one. you made me laugh, you made me smile, you made me feel determined to do good. I adore you, Yuuri Katsuki.", He smiled as they held hands and stared into each other's eyes for just a little bit longer, falling for each other all over again.

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