a/n - new story

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Hi everyone soooo im gonna be making two new viktuuri fanfics soon but only after i finish one of my current ones like the college AU, anyways, this one takes place as a high school AU where Yuuri supports his best friend Phitchit being on the schools hockey team and Viktor is a new student but what Yuuri doesnt realize is hes fallen in love with Viktor. Then the other story is, Viktor is rude to Yuuri and bullies him a lot, Yuuri only ever tells Yurio and Phitchit about it because hes only close to those two people and doesnt want to be a burden to his family with his problems Until one day, Phitchit helps Yuuri out and makes him sassy and look tougher so he doesnt get picked on anymore and it works but it also makes Viktor fall for Yuuri. i hope you all like the ideas!

I also will be putting up another viktuuri texts story soon, when?, well, you'll just have to wait and find out ;) enjoy!

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now