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Yuuri woke up to a strong arm wrapped around his torso, he smiled once he turned around to see a sleeping Viktor behind him and he couldn't help but fall even deeper in love with him. Viktor woke up with the cutest yawn as Yuuri watched him lovingly, "Mm. Good morning, my little katsudon~", Viktor said in a half asleep tone which sounded really hot to Yuuri. "We should get breakfast-", Yuuri said as he realised his parents would probably barge into his room and see this scenario if they didn't get up soon enough.

Yuuri and Viktor were eating breakfast when Yuuri's mother decided to speak up, "So, Yuuri? What is this fine fellow here for and who is he?", Yuuri's mother smiled and Yuuri gulped as he couldn't take lying about his true love but he didn't have a choice, "He's uh- Here to help coach me-", Yuuri said nervously while avoiding his parents eyes, "Ah! That's lovely! Also, Yuuri, we heard your friend Mila is engaged now?", his mom smiled, "Yeah, to a girl named Sara. Sara is actually super nice, but her brother is super overprotective-", he looked up at his mom who was still smiling. "As long as she's happy, it doesn't matter who she marries to us!", Yuuris dad stated which made Yuuri feel a bit better about his and Viktors relationship, "Actually- I lied-", Yuuri said looking at Viktor who smiled at him lovingly, "Viktor isn't here to coach me, he's here to see me- be with me, that is- you see- he's my boyfriend- it's been a month since yesterday-", Yuuri chuckled nervously and looked down until Viktor held his hand and he could hear his parents giggling which made him look up, "You could have just told us, Yuuri. We had a feeling you were gay and if we didn't support you, you would've been kicked out by 5 years old. We love you no matter what, Yuuri! But you still need to use protection.", Yuuris mom giggled and Yuuri slightly blushed at the last part which made Viktor chuckle, "I'll try my best to be careful with your son, Mrs.Katsuki~", Viktor winked at Yuuri which made Yuuri fall backwards and everyone at the table laughed a bit, "Please. Viktor. Call me mom.", Yuuris mom smiled and that sentence made Viktor feel so happy and welcome here it was like he never wanted to leave.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now