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russianking: yuuuuriiii~

y.katsuki: yes, vicchan?

russianking: I have to skate today but I don't wanna be alone, can we Skype or FaceTime or something? I just wanna see your face...

y.katsuki: o-oh u-uh s-s-sure...

russianking: I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to...

y.katsuki: no no i'd love to see your face~

russianking: yay! my Skype is (insert some random Skype name)

y.katsuki: ok, do you wanna call first or should i?

russianking: I can if you want, my little katsudon~

y.katsuki: oh okay, vicchan :)

Yuuri was nervous but excited at the same time, he was mentally and physically preparing himself to see Viktors face in video live, he was actually excited, he loves Viktor a lot and his face is just so perfect. Suddenly, he received a contact request on Skype then accepted it and a video call was immediately started, except Yuuri didn't have his video on because of how insecure he was of his face and how his face looks and how he looks, in general.

"Yuuri! Why don't you have your camera on?", Viktor said poutting and Yuuri automatically melted.
"I look awful..."

"I doubt that! you never look awful!"

"Fine...", Yuuri turned his camera on and Viktors eyes literally lit up as soon as he saw a smiling black haired boy covering his face while blushing, and you could tell Viktor was blushing too.

"You're so cute, Yuuri! I wish I was there to kiss your cute little face!"

"I wish I was there to skate with you."

There was silence and you could tell they both were thinking something but also sad at the same time.

"hey yuuri?"


"would you like to hear about this song that reminded me of you?"


"Well, it's called Eros, referring to sexual love, and it reminded me of you because I feel as if it would be something really cool for you to skate to. Yurio is skating to agape, unconditional love, which also has me thinking. Yurio's agape is his grandpa, he doesn't have an Eros, but, what's your agape and eros, Yuuri? "

"Well, my agape Is probably you and my eros? hmmm..."

"Aww Yuuri~ But your eros is probably me too~"

"Nah, it's pork cutlet bowls.", Yuuri giggled.

"Wow rude! Your sexually attracted to a dish?!"

"Well, no, I mean like, it's so irresistible and tempting and stuff like that."

"Ah, I see! I was just kidding!", Viktor also giggled which made them both smile afterwards

"Hey Viktor, I've been wondering. what's your sexuality?"

"Hmm, well I've told people I'm gay but now that I think about it, I don't really see any attraction to any other men other than you, so I'm probably Yuurisexual.", Viktor winked then giggled as Yuuri blushed and hid his face.

"Well then I think I'm viktorsexual~", Yuuri said as they both started giggling.

"I'm here at the ice rink now. Oh! Hi Yurio!"
"Oh, I'm skyping Yuuri!"
"I'll be there in a little bit."
"No! let me talk to my katsudon for a bit longer, you're not the boss of me!"

Yuuri giggled hearing Viktor argue with his friend.

"Yakov is the only one the boss of me."
"Fine, Yakov."
"Mila shut up! Shouldn't you be kissing Sara or something?"
"Hey Yuuri, I gotta go, sorry."

"Oh, it's alright."

"Goodbye my little katsudon~"

Viktor then hung up and left Yuuri smiling at his phone, "I love him. I wish I could tell him but it's too early.", Yuuri sighs then shuts his phone off to go help around the hotspring.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now