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Phitchit was in such distress over finding out his best friend of many years has cancer, how come Yuuri didn't tell him?!

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Yuuri was laying in bed until he heard some doctors talking around him, which woke him up and he was the doctor's were talking to Viktor, Viktor seemed very distressed. Once they were all done talking, Viktor noticed that Yuuri woke up and the doctors left them alone so Viktor went to sit down and held Yuuri's hand tightly, "Yuuri..", Viktor said holding back sobs which broke Yuuri's heart, "We should go on some dates before your therapy session, or whatever it is they do. you're getting chemo therapy and you're not gonna stop me or yourself from it. You have to make it, please... for me..", Viktor said as Yuuri kissed the top of his lovers head then sighed and nodded in content.

Yuuri was out with Viktor and they were just doing a bunch of shopping, but what Viktor had in mind was something completely different. Viktor saw a certain store then told Yuuri to wait at a bench in the park by the fountain for him, he chose that specific spot because it has a beautiful view and it's a beautiful spot, which Viktor thought was super romantic. He disappeared into a shop then resurfaced a few minutes later, he sat down on the bench next to Yuuri as they both enjoyed the view, "Yuuri, it's been a few months since we've been dating."

"Yeah it has!"

"Uhm, Yuuri..", Viktor cleared his throat as he stood up then got on one knee as happy tears brimmed from Yuuri's eyes with a gasp.

He pulled out a black box and opened it to see two golden rings, "I know you're going to make it through this, whether you still have your hair or your bald or whatever. You're going to make it through this, for me. I know this, I will always love you no matter what and you mean the world to me. you're my everything. so, Yuuri katsuki. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?", Viktor had tears in his eyes but still had a smile on his face which grew bigger as Yuuri nodded super fast then Viktor got up and kissed Yuuri passionately.

Later, Viktor was at home and sleeping when he suddenly had a nightmare and kept moving around and sweating.

'We're sorry, Mr.Nikiforov, your fiancé is dead.'

'No! That can't be! NO NO NO!! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO geT maRrIEd.!!', Viktors voice cracked as he started to sob and couldn't stop crying.

'I'm sorry, we can help you pay for the funeral and arrange it, if you like.'

Viktor refused as he suddenly felt dizzy then just saw black.

Viktor woke up in fear while sweating and panting heavily, he couldn't ever let that happen.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now