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Yuuri was skating when he suddenly felt dizzy, he tried to push it away and it worked. but not for long.

** * **

Hours passed and Yuuri wasn't feeling any better, he was bringing Viktor some food when he suddenly passed out cold on the floor and broke the bowl, sending Viktor into instant panick then calling for Yuuri's sister, "Yuuri! Yuuri! You're gonna be ok! please be ok!", Viktor sobbed.

Yuuri woke up about a few hours later in a hospital bed to see Viktor sobbing at some words Yuuri couldn't make out that the doctor was telling him, then the doctor left the room and Viktor turned around to see Yuuri then sat down on a chair next to the bed holding Yuuri's hand. "Yuuri... you're awake..", Viktor said in a low voice trying not to break but it just broke Yuuri's heart, "W-what happened.."

"Well... i don't know if you wanna hear..."


"You really don't want to..."

"Viktor please just tell me."

Viktor sighed and looked down at his hand locked with Yuuri's.
"You have lung cancer..."

Yuuri could feel his heart breaking, "Wh-what..."

"Please don't make me say it again, Yuuri..."
"I'm sure you'll make it through, there's always chemotherapy and stuff..."

"Viktor, can you hand me my phone?"

Viktor nodded then handed Yuuri his phone as Yuuri took out his phone to take a picture of him and Viktor together, "I want to treasure my last months or weeks or days or however long I have with you."

"Yuuri, you're saying that like you're gonna die... you can make it through this... just... have faith.."

Yuuri was gonna say something until the door suddenly slammed open and he shut his mouth to see Phitchit walk over and sit down next to Viktor in another chair, "Yuuri, are you ok?!", Phitchit sounded worried and Yuuri didn't want to exactly tell him because Phitchit has been his best friend since they were super young and Yuuri couldn't bear to ever hurt Phtichit, although not telling him could also hurt him but maybe Phitchit will just find out the truth once he dies or something. Yuuri didn't have everything planned out but he gave a fake smile and nodded, "Doctor said it was just exhaustion and I need some rest is all.", Yuuri waved his hand to dismiss Phitchit's worry but Phitchit could tell there was something more than that that was wrong but he just tried not to think too much about it so he just nodded and said he had to be somewhere but really he was going back to his room in Yuuri's parents hotel just to text the group chat.

obsessedfanboy: guys. Yuuri isn't doing so well.

mi-lesbean: what's wrong?!

obsessedfanboy: Viktor won't tell me anything but Yuuri collapsed and blacked out then told me it's just exhaustian but he's had perfect rest for a long time.

pewdiepie: oh no that doesn't sound good

jesus(chris)t: Phitchit, I wish I could tell you what I know but if I did- oh fuck it, Yuuri has cancer.

obsessedfanboy: HE HAS WHAT?!?!

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now