22 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Yuuri was given permission to stay at his house for one night then return back to the hospital in the morning, but instead, Viktor drove them to a hotel and Yuuri was confused as to why they were there.


Viktor and Yuuri were laying on the bed when Viktor suddenly made a move and kissed Yuuri, Yuuri melted into the kiss and kissed back. he shuddered when Viktor licked his bottom lip so Yuuri let him in and their tounges danced together earning an occasional moan from Yuuri. Viktor grinded against Yuuri making the younger male gasp in pleasure, Viktor sucked on Yuuri's neck to leave hickeys until he took off his own pants then looked at Yuuri for permission to take his pants off and Yuuri agreed to it so Viktor did so and grinded against Yuuri's member just to tease him once more and hear his moan, "V-Viktor..!A-a-ah!! pl-please..", Yuuri said in a pant and moan. "Please what~?", Viktor smirked just to tease him, "T-t-take me..", Yuuri squeaked which made Viktor slightly chuckle as he took off both their boxers and licked the tip of Yuuri's member making him moan louder in pleasure and Bob his head back until Viktor took off his own boxers and slowly put himself on his lovers member making Yuuri gasp in pleasure and grip the sheets of the bed as Viktor moved up and down on his lover/fiancé as Yuuri tried to sit up and leave love bites on Viktors body and scratching his back as Viktor turned around then put himself on his lovers member again and bounced up and down while leaving bite marks and love marks and hickeys all over Yuuri's body as he kept bouncing up and down while licking Yuuris body and Yuuri licking Viktors body then stroking Viktors member and putting it in his mouth making them both pant and moan in pleasure as Yuuri left a love bite on Viktors member and sucked and licked on it too. They both eventually leaked fluid onto each other then smiled as Viktor got off of Yuuri and they smiled at each other with love then locked hands with each other as Viktor pulled the blanket on them and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now