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(( aaaa I'm sorry for the late update I've been in Santa Rosa all day w/ no WiFi ))

a month has passed and its now been one month since Yuuri and Viktor have started dating, today is the day Viktor is going to see Yuuri.

yuurinikiforov: happy one month, viktor!

russianking: omg babe u texted first

yuurinikiforov: yeah, I just wanted to surprise you :)

russianking: well I don't think your surprise is gonna beat my surprise~

yuurinikiforov: oh?

russianking: mmhmmm~

"Yuuri! There's someone here to see you!", Mari called from the living room sounding kind of excited and giggly at the same time.

yuurinikiforov: hold on, love.

Yuuri put his phone down on his bed and smiled as he walked out of his room then down the stairs into the living room while looking down, "Mari? What's goin--", he suddenly looked up to see a tall, silver haired, blue eyed, male standing in front of him and he knew exactly who it was, "Vi-Viktor!", Yuuri said as he jumped into Viktors embrace and they hugged each other for a long time while Mari snapped a picture, "Phitchit told me to document everything and report back to him.", she smirked as they let go and were holding hands and staring at each other in love. Mari took another picture. Yuuri was snapped out of his daze as he yelled, "Mari! Quit!", he said giggling while chasing her as Viktor sat down on the couch just taking everything in, watching Yuuri but looking at the scenery around him and couldn't help but smile. "Ah- Sorry about that, Viktor-", Yuuri said as he sat down next to Viktor and they faced each other, "Its alright, my little katsudon~", Viktor said as Yuuri started blushing then smiled deeply at him.

Yuuri was taking Viktor on a tour of the hot spring but they stopped at a room that Yuuri had said was Viktors which made him kind of sad that he wasn't gonna sleep in the same room as Yuuri but he had to kind of expect it seeming the only person in his family who knew about them was his sister, Mari. "Can I sleep with you..? I mean.. just for tonight... if you want.. Makkachin won't be here until tomorrow and I hate to sleep alone..", Viktor said with puppy eyes which made it impossible for Yuuri to say no, so he just sighed then smiled and nodded, "Of course. I don't mind at all.", Yuuri said which made Viktor a lot happier as they both went to his room and Viktor slept behind Yuuri with his arm wrapped around his waist to keep him tight to his chest as if they were going to be pulled away, he wanted to stay like this forever. Stay with Yuuri forever. that sounded like a pretty good idea.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now