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russianking: yuuri, do you think we could like FaceTime or call sometime..? I just, I wanna hear your voice..

y.katsuki: Im way too nervous for FaceTime but we can totally call sometime, my number is ***-***-****

russianking: can I call now?

y.katsuki: of course!

Yuuri was nervous but excited at the same time, what if Viktor didn't like his voice and thought it was too childish or something? but I'm sure it's gonna be fine, Viktor says anything about Yuuri is cute so he has to love Yuuri's voice, suddenly an unknown number called and Yuuri automatically picked up knowing it was Viktor.

"hello?", a thick Russian voice spoke.

"fuck his voice is hot...", Yuuri thought to himself until he heard Viktor giggling and realised he said it outloud.

"Wow, I'm glad you think so~ Your voice is adorable, Yuuri~!"

"Well I'm glad you think so but unfortantley it isn't."

"Yuuri, what the hell?! why you gotta lie to me?!", Viktor giggled while Yuuri heard some screaming in the backround.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm older than you and I can say whatever the fuck i want and I'm allowed to curse! just because you're 15 doesn't mean shit!", Yuuri could faintly hear Viktor saying all of this which made him giggle.

"Who's that?", Yuuri said giggling.

"Yuri plisetsky, my roommate."

'SHIT', Yuuri thought to himself until he heard another Russian voice but this one was angrier.

"hey piggy, so you're with Viktor now, eh?"
"well, just don't hurt him again or I'll beat your ass. ok?"
"Awww you care!!!"
"Shut the fuck up I do not I just-"
"Fucking whatever"

Yuuri then heard silence and he giggled to himself.

"ok I'm back, I'm sorry about him, hehe~"

"I don't mind..."

" So what are you doing, love~?"

"Nothing, just talking to the love of my life, my soulmate, the sexiest man alive.", Yuuri giggled and so did Viktor.

"Same here."

"You know how you called me love? well, I have a cute nickname for you too~"

"Oh? What is it~?"

"Vicchan..since.. I had a dog named Victor when I was little..."

"Aww Yuuri~"

"I wish you were here."

They both sighed as Yuuri looked out his window and thought about what Viktor was looking at at the moment.





"I'm just sad you're not here. I wanna hold you and hug you and kiss you and hold your hand."

"I want to hold onto you for forever, Viktor."

"Same here, Yuuri. anyways, it's getting late here so I should sleep."

"Alright, goodnight vicchan~"

"Goodnight my little katsudon~"

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now