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(( i decided I should update my stories twice a day because it's fun ))

russianking: hey yuuri, I have a question.

y.nikiforov: yes?

russianking: what's your favorite thing in the entire world?

y.nikiforov: probably you, honestly.

russianking: I love you

y.nikiforov: I love you too

russianking: Yakov is yelling at me, bye yuuri!

y.nikiforov: bye viktor 💋

Viktor lied, Yakov wasn't yelling at him, he just couldn't take this pain any longer of being so far apart from Yuuri, since Yuuri had just said Viktor is his favorite thing in the world he decided that it was time, he searched up online for tickets to Hatsetsu, Japan and bought the one that was in a couple of weeks, hopefully he could wait that long and if he can't then he's just gonna buy one for a closer date, he felt he was making the right decision so he immediately started to pack up stuff for him and makkachin because of course makkachin is coming, he's Viktors best friend, next to Yuuri of course.

Later that day, Yuuri got really bored so he decided to FaceTime Viktor, once he clicked the call button it didn't take long before he saw a smiling Viktor in front of him, "Hi Yuuri! I'm surprised you called~"

"I was just bored and I uh..."
"I missed you.."

"Aw Yuuri, I wasn't gone for that long and I just got back but I did miss seeing your cute face."



"Can I hear you say it?"

"Say what~?", Viktor smirked.

"You know what!!!"

"I love you.", Viktor smiled with his palm and hand resting underneath his chin for support while he looked at Yuuri in a loving way.

"I love you too", Yuuri blushed and smiled happily at Viktor while looking at him with lust  (not the sexual kind) in his eyes.

"Its not the same. I don't love you."

Yuuri was startled by this


"You stutter too much and you're a pig, bye!"

the call was ended and Yuuri felt as if he was dropping into a black hole when suddenly he woke up panting and realized it was all just a dream, him and Viktor never said they loved each other because it was going too fast. Yuuri sighed in relief as he messaged Viktor.

y.nikiforov: sorry, I fell asleep

russianking: it's totally fine, I kind of figured.
russianking: as long as you're happy and healthy then I'm fine.

y.nikiforov: ❤ oh my god viktor!! aaaahhhh!!!

russianking: 😘

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now