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(( holy shit thank you guys so much omg this is one of my most read stories !!! ))

(( holy shit thank you guys so much omg this is one of my most read stories !!! ))

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The parties were over, everyone settled down. Today is the day of the wedding, Yuuri was nervous but also happy. Happy because him and Viktor are finally getting married but nervous because he isn't sure whether Phitchit will show up or not, he sighed as he slipped on his tux and looked at himself in the mirror, he smiles at his ring then kisses, "Forever with Viktor.", he whispered to himself.

", he whispered to himself

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(( yuuri's tux ))

Yuuri was told that it was a surprise who was walking him down the isle because his parents don't have the money to make it but he didn't mind much because at least he had all of his friends that were close enough to be family to be here although someone super close to his heart was missing, it's been weeks since him and Phitchit have last spoken and it truly broke his heart. Minami came to get me and I followed him, (( I don't know minami's gender I'm sorry )) but as he was walking towards where Viktor was holding their wedding he heard a familiar voice then looked up to see Phitchit smiling at him, "What kind of best friend would I be if I stayed mad at you over something so small and didn't even show up as your best man, none the less.", he giggled and Yuuri just smiled then cried happy tears then ran to hug him, they stayed in that hug for a few second before Minami reminded them of what was going on and Yuuri and Phitchit both giggled as Yuuri and Phitchit linked their arms together as Minami opened the door to the beautiful church that was just a few blocks from Disney land, they originally planned to get married at Disney land but they couldn't decide on a spot so luckily this church was here. Yuuri smiled with happy tears briming in his eyes as Viktor had the same expression but was already crying happy tears over how amazing Yuuri looked.

(( Viktors tux ))

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(( Viktors tux ))

Phitchit walked Yuuri over to Viktor then took his place on the other side of Yuuri where the best man is supposed to be.

"You look as handsome as ever, my Yuuri.", Viktor smiled trying not to cry but it wasn't working.
Yuuri wiped Viktors tears then kissed his cheek, "You look amazing, my Viktor.", Yuuri smirked and they both giggled as they held hands looking into each other's eyes as if it was just them and the priest there.
"We are gathered here today to--""Please just skip the 'i do's '", Viktor interuppted the priest but mouthed a 'sorry'.
The priest chuckled and nodded, "Viktor Nikiforov, do you take, Yuuri Katsuki, as your lawfully wedded husband? through sickness and in health, for better or for worse, and for poorer or for richer."

"I do, I do a million times forever and ever."

"Yuuri Katsuki, do you take, Viktor Nikiforov? to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health, for better or for worse, and for poorer or for richer?"

"I do infinity times forever and always."

"I now pronounce Yuuri Katsuki as Yuuri Nikiforov, you may now kiss the groom."

Yuuri and Viktor kissed for what seemed like forever as everyone cheered for them and it was super loud.


Yuuri was cutting the cake until he asked Viktor to come near him, he had a devilish idea as Viktor stood in front of him. Yuuri smashed the cake in Viktors face and kept laughing, this made Viktor smirk then do the same as Viktor yelled, "FOOOOOD FIGHT!!"

everyone was throwing food at each other out of fun and everyone was laughing and screaming at each other as Viktor and Yuuri just stood there with Viktors hands on Yuuri's hips and Yuuri's arms on Viktors shoulders holding his own hands as they stood there and just kissed for what seemed like eternity.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now