Chapter 6

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Yuuri woke up to a sleeping Viktor with his arm around him and they were all cuddled up together, Yuuri carefully moved over to face the sleeping Viktor and admire his beauty. Yuuri ran a finger along Viktor's jawline and smiled at how beautiful and stunning and amazing Viktor is, he couldn't help but fall in love with such a man like this, suddenly Viktor slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the Yuuri in front of him, "Good morning, Yuuri~", Viktor smiled as he held Yuuri's hand that was on his jawline, then kissed his knuckles which made Yuuri slightly blush and smile at the action. "We should get a head start of the day, let's go have breakfast.", Yuuri said and was starting to get up until Viktor clung to his waist, "Just stay here a little longer, I want to enjoy this moment a little longer.", Viktor said in such a loving tone that made Yuuri do what he asked, Viktor smiled noticing that Yuuri did that. "Do you mind if I take a picture? I want this moment to last forever.", Viktor said in such a sweet tone and Yuuri nodded. Viktor put his forehead against Yuuri's and their noses together, leaning so close their lips could almost touch when Viktor took the picture then smiled and kissed Yuuri, Yuuri smiled into the kiss and kissed back until Viktor pulled back then sent the picture to the group chat and captioned it,

' waking up with the man of my dreams ♡ '

russianking: waking up with the man of my dreams ♡

obsessedfanboy: OMG OMG IT'S CANON !!!!

russiantiger: ew

jesus(chris)t: aww~

lotsofoats: looks like Yuuri found his eros.

mi-lesbean: aww dad's

saraisqueen: OMG what did I miss?!?!

The whole chat was blowing up with questions but Viktor put his phone down just to spend time with Yuuri and admire his beauty. Yuuri looked at Viktor with such love and passion in his eyes that made Viktor kiss his forehead, Viktor decided it was time to get up so he got out of bed to stretch and felt a pair of eyes on him so he turned his head around to notice Yuuri was staring at him. He smirked, "Enjoying the view~?", The comment made Yuuri blush very red and hide his face which made Viktor slightly giggle then stop stretching and go downstairs to see a sleeping Yuri plisetsky on his couch, he then put a blanket on the younger male and smiled as he went to go make breakfast as if they were a family.


Yuuri and Viktor were cleaning up their plates when the sleepy Yuri on their couch woke up and yawned like a little kitten. "Good morning little tiger~", Viktor teased him, which made Yuri mumble something in russian under his breath, Viktor went back to Yuuri and wrapped his arms around the others waist. Yurio rolled his eyes then got up to get his shoes and jacket on, about to leave, "I'm gonna leave now that you two seemed to have resolved everything.", he grumbled then left and made the couple chuckle a bit.

Yuuri got an idea and decided to tease Viktor, he moved his butt back and forth swinging it which made Viktors breath hitch and Yuuri suddenly felt something poking him, he smirked. "You're begging to get it, Yuuri~", Viktor whispered in Yuuri's ear seductively which made Yuuri bite his bottom lip then turn around to peck his lips. "Thought it would be fun just to tease you~", Yuuri hummed giggled as Viktor let go then walked off, "I have to go shower, I'll be back~", He winked then walked off.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now