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Phitchit was with his dad for two months until his grandma gained custody of him after she found out what had been happening and now Phitchits dad is in jail for a couple of years, he might get the death sentence but the grandma hasn't decided what she wants yet. Phitchit was just 8 years old now and he is very insecure and quiet and gets bullied a lot, he vow that he would be upset with anyone whoever lied to him again, his mom lied to him about being fine which really hurt.

end of flashback

Yuuri felt regret and guilt as him and Viktor and Yurio and Otabek were packing up because the four of them are going to Disney land together, Yuuri can't stop thinking about how he hurt Phitchit. he kept texting Phitchit but Phitchit left him on seen, Viktor noticed his distress then wrapped his arms around his fiancé's waist which made Yuuri loosen up a bit and smile then turn around to kiss Viktors head and they both smiled while holding hands, "Give him time. He'll come around.", Viktor smiled as Yuuri just nodded then went back to packing, he picked up the perfect tux for the wedding which was gonna happen at Disney land, Yuuri originally wanted Phitchit to be his best man but now he had no one. Yurio is Viktors best man and Otabek was Yurio's date to the wedding, the rest of their friends were gonna meet them at Disney land tomorrow so the four of them could just have their own time for one day before the bachelor party being held for them both then the wedding would be two days after, it was kind of weirdly and short noticed planned but they still had a plan to go with and it was hopefully all gonna go right if Phitchit came or even forgave Yuuri. Yuuri sighed as him and Viktor started walking to the taxi outside to drive them to the airport where they would meet Yurio and Otabek then go to Disneyland from there.

time skip

Yuuri and Viktor were currently in a Farris wheel at night time and having a very fun time, Yuuri had a Mickey mouse hat with ears on his head and Viktor thought he looked absolutely adorable. "I can't wait to be yours forever, my little katsudon.", Viktor purred leaning his head on Yuuri's shoulder, "I can't wait for you to be mine forever, vitya~", Yuuri smiled as they held hands and enjoyed the view they currently had.

(( sorry for short chapter, I'm losing inspiration for the story so happy birthday to Chris and happy Valentine's day to everyone ! ))

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now