A/N please read

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hello yes when this fanfic is over and when the viktuuri texts are over I'm going to be doing an otayuri and viktuuri instagram based story where basically Viktor messages Yuuri and Yuuri is so intimidated by Viktor but Viktor is super chill and stuff but kinda like he is in most stories with the sex jokes and seeming like a fuckboy n shit but yeah, they eventually fall in love and yeah.
the otayuri is like, Otabek thinks Yuri seems like a cool guy so they start talking and Otabek is teaching Yuri about memes and Is like " this is how 2 be edgy " and shit like that,
it's inspired by queenquinnV because they did an instagram Fic and yeah, so I just thought it would be lit to let people know I'll keep doing fanfics after my current ones are done but I will also be doing a soulmate AU where the first letter of your soulmates name is on your wrist which will be otayuri and the one where you don't see colors until you meet your soulmate which will be viktuuri/victuuri, so yeah that's all the updates for now!

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now