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Yuuri was lying in bed until he felt a pain in his chest and decided to go to the bathroom, once he entered he leaned over the sink and started coughing but after the third cough he coughed up some blood which worried him a lot, he felt dizzy and light headed, he thought he was going to pass out. He looked at the ring on his hand and slightly smiled as it gave him hope and a meaning to his now soon ending life and dull life as it came to an end, he was hoping this damn chemo therapy thing they were gonna try on him tomorrow would just work so he could live to see the day him and Viktor live together and die together, he wanted that more than anything.

The next morning, Yuuri woke up feeling just as bad as he did last night, he at least smiled when he saw the tube on his arm with his other hand being held by his living fiancé, "So, Yuuri, there's this thing called make a wish foundation and it's for cancer patients, you can decide when you want to use it and for what, like, go to Italy or go on a cruise or go to Disney land! it's super nice and they pay for everything.", Viktor said with a huge grin and smile on his face which made Yuuri suddenly feel a little bit better than he did last night and a few minutes ago, "That sounds great, Viktor. I think for our honeymoon we could go to Disney land through the foundation, okay?", Yuuri smiled as Viktor nodded and a nurse came in to check on them, she checked Yuuri's blood pressure and his heart rate and his vitals, making sure he was doing okay. She also asked him a few questions like if he's feeling alright or how he's been lately and such and such, the usual stuff nurse's ask their patients and stuff.

Texts ~ Victuuri/Viktuuri  ( Viktor x Yuuri )Where stories live. Discover now