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Jafar the son of yunus Abdallah is a tall young man in his early twenties. He runs his father's company as for his father is a rich man. Jafar the neighbour of the Claire Ali was raised by a family of three ; a sister and a brother, whose names are ramlah and ammar respectively. His mother hajarah and he's father yunus are both from Abu Dhabi. Jafar has two friends muhsin and jamaal. For those two are his life, his childhood friends and his best friends.


After the shopping they had, Muna talked to zarah about her plans and the catering school they'd be attending for at least a week before Ali's birthday.

Today is going to be zarahs  first so she's nervous nonetheless she took her bath and went downstairs to join her family for breakfast . She sat opposite her mother.

"Zarah i heard that you are in for catering school if I am not mistaken "

"No baba you are right"

"Mash allah that's great " Aliya said

"Wabillahi fitawfeek" Ali said before taking a sip of his coffee . " So zarah how are you feeling? Excited huh?". Zarah nodded

"Yes Mama but more nervous "

"Okayy... so zarah shall we" Muna asked pointing at the door. " Jafar is taking us as well " Muna added quickly and Zarah just nodded.

"Salaam salaam alaikum ya banaat "

"Ya salaam habibi ibni, kaifik?"

"Alhamdulillah ya khal Ali , wa ant?

"Alhamdulillah Shukran,"

"Ya Allah, maza araa Ammar is that you"

"Muna the Muna, Muna the monkeyy"

"Ammar you haven't changed, have you"

" So this is zarah and her mother" Ali said to no one but ammar. "Ahlain khalati wa.... ukriti"

"Masha Allah Ammar, how are you?"

"Fine mashallah...."

"So actually I was here because Jafar couldn't make he asked me to come rather. I came just because of my brother both because of the M"
Ammar grinned at his last statement making Muna get angry.

"Well you two just for a second be silent, okayyyyy!!"


"So zarah do you like it her, you know I thought someone might be disturbing your peace" Ammar made Muna frowned and Zarah smile at the same time.

"Ya Allah Ammar you are such a tease "Zarah said smiling. She was so happy that she couldn't tell, ammar just made her happy. Happiness she felt a long time ago.

"Anything for a princess" that zarah turned red.

"Ammar billahil Azim keep mute, i am growing irritated!!!!" Muna shouted ammar which made him laugh out loud.

"Ya Allah, i never new the mighty Muna would get jealous, you know Muna i...."

"Stop the car!!!!!"

"Sorry miss, you say what??" Zarah found herself laughing at them

"Ammar anta miskin"

" I do not deny" he said with a smile at the corner of his lips.

"You guys are freaking funny, ya salaam"

"Zarah, i like annoying her. I just enjoy it, don't you my little muna" Ammar asked.

"Your little i twenty and you are just twenty two".

" is 63072000seconds, 1051200minutes 17520hours, 730days, 104weeks, 24months and 2years a just???

"Okayy okayy I know you are genius you don't have to show it off. " Muna said dryly.

"You are welcome munee"

"And what's that?"

"What's what?"

"The nameeeeee"

"Oh that "

"Yes that"

"Oh okay that "

"Yess thatttt"

"Naam that" Zarah busted out laughing, she couldn't believe them.

"Zarah it's not funny" Muna said angrily

"Am sorry I couldn't control but you have to admit that it's funny"

"Whatever " Muna said before opening the door. " Wow you are so funny" Zarah exclaimed

"I know right, Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz" she opened the door and followed Muna steps.


"To boil water, you just have fill your pot with water, place it on the cooker(electric/gas) until it starts to b....."

"Are you kidding me, none of us here is under five, we are not babies here!!!" some girl just shouted at the madam teaching them how to boil water.

"Heyy young lady, don't be hasty." the old madam said. " am just here to laugh at people like you, am not the teacher, she is yet to come" everyone started laughing at what she said.

Do you like ammar? Well I like him so much....


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