twenty one

110 8 19


"Are you telling me so, I just can't believe you zayed, you made me go to Sharjah and I have met that stupid woman and her mother who I have lived running away from. And you are just saying so" Ahmad snapped through the phone.

"Well I don't have much to say, but sorry can go. I can't change it or can i?"zayed's disregarding voice spoke through the phone.

"FML" ahmad hung off the phone.

He abruptly went upstairs to his room the minute he read the message sent to him by zayed. He called for his driver and instantly, he left for his home- dubai.


Marwa stared at zarah and Marwan in muse. They kept on making fun of each other. That journey went on with laughter, hisses and rolling of eyes.


"You there should stop shouting okayyyyy, you are disturbing me up here"

"Oh my goodness, she's dying" Ramlah cried hugging hanaan, hanaan called out to muna as they pulled out.

"Muna she's dying, come down, she's dead" hanaan also broke using the tissue to wipe her nose.

They kept crying,

Muna came downstairs in haste, she looked at the girl layed on the floor, eyes shot at the same time helpless, her now is no different as never having been alive and having none of the characteristics of a living thing , she's unable to support life, she's as though as the floor she's been laid.

"She's dead, hanaan she's dead " Muna fell to her knees crying loudly. Hanaan and ramlah hugged her as she slowly sobs. She uttered " she has passed from the living stage to being no longer alive "

That kind of silence, eerie, unhappiness, grief, sorrow and regrettable silence fell into the room, engulfing it and filling it round the room. The room became as though a rite held to mark the burial or cremation of a corpse.

The room was utterly silent as words of regret sang." It's my fault" she hiccuped as she continued " i didn't even say my last goodbyes to her, she left with hatred towards me, who knows, she's having a strong feeling of grievance and displeasure towards me. She can never forgive me, or can she?" she hiccuped and held her body tightly.

As she said,

"Wake up please, wake up, Alison wake up, stiles she dead". Muna, hanaan and ramlah moved to the tv with their tissue looking at Scott mccall sympathetically. He had held Alison's body tightly robbing the blood away from her chest where the demons pulled their weapon into her , crying.

"Why are you crying " jafar came in with ammar wondering why the girls are crying." and why is that maid over there saying it was all her fault."

"Alison is dead and the maid is on the phone god knows with who." Ramlah whispered softly. Jafar and ammar exchanged some kind of looks and left the room to the dinning area.

Something suddenly happened, Muna looked at jafar,as their eyes interlocked, shivers went down to Munas spine as butterflies roared in her, and she wonders........


"Why such an urgent call zayed" Ahmad spoke as he entered the room where Amirah and zayed are both seated.

"Talk, we shall little brother but a Salam would have done " Amirah spoke buffing her finger nails with a buffer.

"We are going to have a chat about mum"zayed said reaching the curtains.

"I am not going to talk about mother or the plans you have in mind of destroying her and yes, you are not going to force me" Ahmad spoke as he untied his tie.

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