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They are all now seated in the living room trying to bring an idea for zarahs case with imran. zarah gets bizarre and eerie messages from an unknown but they already knew who it is from. Before that  Muhsin who knew a someone helped them trace the location.

"I will go get the car ready for I will be one of those going there" jamaal said walking out of the room.

"Am with you" Marwan yelled and followed him. The rest sat there thinking of what to do.


"I do warn you mate, if you ever ever send those threats to her again, I swear to god you will spend the rest of your life in an exquisite agony wishing for a merciful death" marwan squeezed imran collar in annoyance.

"Marwan easy now, at least one should be done one after the other. Besides whatever business I have with zarah is none of your business so stop poking your noise in what doesn't concern you"

Marwan moved closer to imran, he bit his lips, clenched his jaw to control his anger. " sit" Marwan sat imran with force. " listen to me, regardless of what business you have with zarah i will not say anything but know that as afar as am concerned I wouldn't let anyone not even you hurt her. She's my damn sister and I have every right on her....."

Jamaal stood there watching them silently.

"Nononon,that's were you are mistaking, she's not your sister, never was and never will so therefore you have no right on her"

"Silence there friend, do not cross your limits . Now I am going to ask again before I ask much less nicely. Why do you send those damn messages, what the hell do you need from her"

Imran raised his hands in surrender. " I am just having some fun man" Marwan stood up and step back, Marwan looked at jamaal who smiled at him. He then looked back at imran.

"Now, i want you to leave this city and never come back unless it's genuine or you can stay but no more threats, so which one do you choose brother "

"Wow, so now am called brother, Marwan you really haven't changed. Brave and scary as always and don't worry about me leaving, i have got my plans. No more threats it is"

Marwan sighed in relief, he was about to reach the door when imran's words stopped him" my regards to my lovely lady"

"You are so fucking lucky I was told the goodness of patience" with that they left



I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I checked my phone thankfully no more messages sent. I stretched my arms in laziness as I walk to the bathroom. I opened my large wardrobe to search what to wear for I had taken my bathe. I brought out a pink gown that has stones at the neck line. I pinned my scarf as I headed downstairs for my breakfast, no one was downstairs so I made my tea and on the Tv.

"You woke up so early today." my mother said approaching me with a cup of tea.

"Yeah, I wanted to wake up so early today. " I said as I smiled at her. " Why are you up " I added

"I wake up early everyday zarah" she said as she sipped her tea. I turned to look at my stepfather who just approached us wearing a smile on his face.

"Why are you down here this early " he asked as he sat beside me.

"I would ask the better question " I said as they both laughed. My mother and father continued with there conversation. I got bored with the show I was watching so I switched the Tv and went outside the house. I walked to the garden where the pool is. I dipped my leg into the water, i instantly shivered for the water was quite cold. I stayed there for some minutes admiring the beautiful flowers in the garden.

I tore my gaze from the flowers as I hear footsteps." Hey zarah" I turned to see Muna standing before me. " What are you doing here" she added.

"Just having some fresh air and admiring this flowers" I said as I removed my legs from the pool

I moved to the other part of the garden as I sat on a bench and Muna did the same. We talked much about things. We went back to the house after my mother had called us. We got ready and sat in the ready for our parents, we are going to marwas parents  apartment, they are leaving the city today so we are going to meet them to say our farewells.

"Assalmu alaikum everyone" I said as I enter the apartment. All luggages were brought outside the house,." So it's look like you are ready to leave" I said as I sat beside mahmoud.

"Of course " marwa said sarcastically  and I rolled my eyes in return.

"Trust me zarah i so so don't want to stay here" mahmoud said mockingly and I rolled my eyes in return. 

I guess I just have to rolling my eyes. I looked at Marwan who has his eyes fixed on his laptop.

"Okay everyone it's time to go" Marwans father said as we all stood up to the car. I dropped the tray I was holding in the car. We all entered the car to the airport, as we reached the airport we said out farewells and hugged each other.

We left them there and came back to our home. By the time we reached, i was tired so I went straight to bed.

So they are gone

my stepsisterWhere stories live. Discover now