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"I am sorry but I cannot date you " Imran let out a devilish laugh.

"Of course you , for what I can see now shows that you have no option but to date me" Zarah stared at imran in fear.


"Start talking" jafar instructed. Marwan volunteered but zarah said it was okay.

Zarah cleared her throat to start" my name is zarah mandoob isa. I attended forest hills high school in Abu Dhabi. In my fresh year I was very pretty back then to put it lightly which made girls hated me. I had no friends, I had no one, they called me names. I was a nerd and a self-DUFF. I was threatened, humiliated and any kind of inhumility. I was helplesss , defenceless in my fresh year" Zarah stopped and inhaled sharply as she continued" i was defenceless, friendless and helpless. To top it off I was a loner, teachers envied me for my intelligence, boys bullied me and girls threatened me. I was all alone, then. There came a handsome new comer, i liked that boy from the first time I saw him, were girls were all trying to get his attention. He ended up in a bad group, the moment he found out I liked him. He hated me, he bullied me, he did anything on his power to break me down and he did. I cried all day, all mute I was, for you know sometimes you just need to shut up because no words can explain the shit going in you " tears started gushing down from zarahs eyes. Marwan tried to stop her from talking but she insisted.

" I cried all day like a lost bastard. until....until this boy came hafiz, hafiz helped me with my things. He became my best friend and a brother I never had. He's sister ruqayyah did also helped me they always say first impressions are always but I didn't listen to them, I was blinded by love, they left the school leaving me all alone . Things became thesame, i now wonder why I didn't tell my parents. All I wanted was to sort things out myself, I thought I was big enough to take my disappointment, i thought I was big enough to solve my on problems without the aid of my parents, never did I know that I can't solve any of the misery and tragic stories I had. But of course am a daughter, i was born. my mother found out about everything and reported to the principal. When I resumed the other day, hmm it was as though I am nothing, it was as though I am the free air the breathe, it was as though I was the long lived enemy, it was as though a hell I was, It was though I was a control remote, Heyy I was a damsel in distress, i was their slave, their nanny. My juniors, seniors and also my classmates command me. I did all the work a homeless, parent less child should do. It was then when marwa and Marwan came. They became my friends, they helped me out of the darkness I was, they showed me light where I couldn't see any, they showed me love of friendship when no one could, they gave me shoulder to cry when no one did, they showed me the correct path when everyone is turning me astray, they they rose me when I was fallen, they helped me be on my toes when everyone turned me down, they showed me hope when I saw tragedy, they fixed my broken hearts. I recovered from something like eternity. I was brave, i had developed my own confidence and used it against who tries to manipulate me. I learnt that trial doesn't fail a person, it thereby encourages it. Students of forest hills high school treated me as though I am a god ." Zarah forced a warm smile, wiped the tears on her face as she continued. " I thought I had achieved what I always wanted, i thought I have carried on but something strong came by that cannot be forgotten and the remembrance always falls me." Zarah stopped to inhale,.she neared the tissue for she knows the story is getting worse.

" father d..died" she stammered as a loud gasp escaped her mouth. She held her tears as she continued" my life was hectic. I loved my father in fact no word on this universe can explain the love I had, LOL I still have for my father. When I say my father is an exceptional will be an understatement. I cried as though I will never smile, never be happy. Fear, anxiety, confusion and unhappiness reigned In my life. All I felt was insecure."

"I thought being the only daughter of my family, can get whatever I needed, but there is one thing that my father can never buy me but can surely show me love, happiness,and joy. But he wasn't there to show me, as was all alone" marwa embraced her into tight hug using the tissue to clean her messy face.

Zarah slowly watched the people standing before her, some sympathy filled there eyes, while some with tears but there's on person who she doesn't understands, the face is too hard to read but the glittering in the eye caught her wondering.

Little did she know that Jafar cares

Deep inside jafar was boiling as the same time pitying her life. " indeed a tragedy it is" came jamaals voice.

"We surely have to do something about it, am I right? "

"Whatever it is we could or shall do will have to be before March. "

"Why" the room echoed in unison.

"Oh yeah i forgot to say, we are leaving for Abu dhabi in three weeks time"

"What" came zarahs voice" I thought you are spending like months here"

" I know zarah but father has an appointment with only God knows who and I have some interviews to attend. It's not like we are not coming back.

Zarah sighed in disappointment. She slowly raised her eyes slowly to meet jafars. There eyes interlocked. Her face flushed red like tomatoes, thousands of butterflies swimming in her stomach, still wondering what could that feelings be

Zarah couldn't read the thousands of emotions swimming in his eyes, on the contrary jafar read zarahs eyes easily but all he could see was fear, and agony.

Zarahs life was indeed tragic!! A tragedy you hear me

I already hate imran

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