Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Laura sat on her soft bed. Her flip phone in her hands. Texing someone. The someone she knew for awhile now. Obviously Ross. She was going to meet him later today.

She loved hanging out with him. He's always fun to hang around with, he's funny, she always has alot of fun with him. 

They are hanging out today just because they wanted to. Even though they saw eachother on set today.

                                                                        just because

We are only friends. It's a friend thing. Right?

Of course it is. 

> covo <

Ross: Meet me there at 5:00

Laura: Ok, see you then :)

Ross: See you :)

Ross: oh and don't dress fansy

Laura: you didn't think i knew that???

Ross: just making sure ;)

Laura: omg ross just shut up i'll see you later

Ross: ok bye :)

Laura:bye :)

>end of convo<

 Laura closed her phone and went downstair where she saw Vannessa and her mom sitting on the couch, watching a show they've been obssesed with for like a month now.

" Come on Mom you know she will ask her out, it's to obvious."  Vannessa said

"No he will ask her out like awhile from now, i mean all she is doing going to meet him later."  Laura's mom Ellen says.

"Yah, at 5:00pm"  Vannessa says. Emphasis on 5

Laura then steps in,  enturupting their conversation.    

" What are you talking about?"

"About the show, duh, mom thinks that Josh will ask out Ara awhile from now. I think he is going to ask her out now."

" What about her meeting him at 5:00?"

" Josh asked her to meet him somewhere over texting." Ellen answers

Laura stops to think, 5:00, Josh texting her to meet. So mutch like Ross texting her, and her meeting him somewhere at 5:00. A sicking feeling rushes down her body. She decided to shake off the thoughts and get ready to leave. She grabs her purce and heads out the door.


 Ross's POV

I sit down on a chair. Waiting for Laura.  I invited her to hang out with me today just because i want to hang out with her for awhile. Does that sound believable??  Ok whatever i don't like her like that, trust me.

Laura walked into the cafe'. Wearing casual clothes. She looks beautiful.    

Woah, did i just say that????   OK snap out of it!

I get out of my seat to give her a hug. I rap my arms around  her body and she puts her arms around my neck. I take in the nice scent of strawberries, gosh she is killing me right now. We seperate from eachother and go to sit down.

"so what did you want to talk about" Laura asked me.

" Nothing, just wanted to hang out" I say, does that sound believable????? I don't know. Wait, why am i saying this, we're just friends.

" oh, so what do you want to do???"

" i dont know, maybe we can go to the beach?"

Laura looked at me questionable. I try to read her face expression to see what she is thinking. Then i realise, she thought i was taking her out on a date.

" whoa whoa whoa i wasnt asking to take you out on a date!!!!!!" I quickly say.

" i know, sorry i didnt mean to think like that."

" i know, its ok you didnt have to apologize." i say looking right into her beautiful brown eyes. woah! what has gotten into me!!!

Laura stairs at me smiling, i smirk at her. i felt butterflies in my stomach. What is going on with me, i never felt like this when i'm with her.


BAM!! CHAPTER 1 OK i know it wasnt all that good but it will get better, trust me. i will try to update by next week. i'm going to make sure it's long so just remember that i'm working on it when i can! please vote and comment!!! thanks for reading!!!!!! :)

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