Dhanya's visit

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Arun and Dheeraj were successful in putting the girls together. It was not a big deal as the girls were already friends , but it did take a little extra effort to convince Madoksha. Arun had told Dheeraj not to tell any thing to Dhanya about Madoksha's sleep shivering, they kept the whole situation casual. Dheeraj picked Dhanya from the railway station and dropped her to Madoksha's flat. Dhanya was very excited meet her old friend, she hugged her as soon as she saw her. Madoksha looked happy but not as happy as Dhanya. They said bye to Dheeraj to went into the house. Madoksha's flat was small , it had a bed room with attached bath room , a csy kitchen and a balcony from the hall. There were three bean bags , a coffee table, a TV and a book shelf in the hall. Dhanya loved this place, Madoksha had kept it clean.

"So how is life here Madoksha?" asked Dhanya while sipping here coffee. "Well going on peacefully.What about you? By the way what exam have you taken up?" asked Madoksha. "CAT , Just trying my luck with IIM" replied Dhanya
"Oh, good. When and when is your exam?"enquried Madoksha.
"Tomorrow morning at 10 but I need to be there by 8 am. And place you must tell me" she handed over a paper to Madoksha.
Madoksha didn't seem to know the place. " Dhanya, You better ask your brother I don't know many places here. Now I have a classes upto 12. I hope you will be ok here. Let's join Dheeraj for lunch."
" Yeah sure. I will be fine. I need some rest first then may be I can study ." said Dhanya laughing at herself.

Late in the afternoon the girls reached Sarovara restaurant and waited for Dheeraj and his roommate to join them. Dheeraj came in few minutes but he was alone. The ordered three North Indian Thalis as it was Dhanya's favourite. Dhanya was very expressive in front of her brother. She told all the family stories . Also did enquiry about her brother's life style there. Madoksha spoke very less looked a bit dull. After they finished eating  they decided to drink juice at a near by place but Madoksha refused she said that she had some assignment to do and Dhanya could enjoy her more time with her brother. And left ,that was kind of abrupt. Dheeraj sensed that she kept worried about  something. But what and why?

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Love 💙

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