Chapter 45

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Nick's POV

After waiting for Simon and JJ to get their things packed, as little as they could to still continue with their work, we all split ourselves and jumped into the car, with Jerome and I riding with dad while Vik and Lachlan rode with Simon.

Nick: "Hey dad."

JJ: "Fuck that will never get old I swear."

Nick: "Oh, Sorry. Uh what are you and Simon going to do?"

JJ: "I don't know to be honest. We both might move into one of the apartments at the tower, or even stay with Tobi or Ethan for now until we can get our own place. Why are you so worried about us, what about your friends? Jerome have you even contacted any of the Pack since you and Lachlan ran?"

Jerome: "Yeah I still talk to them, Or some of them. Mitch has mellowed out since Matt left them both the fuck alone. Rob is still angry that Lachlan left, even though Rob was just using him to get rid of Nick because he couldn't handle it anymore. And Preston is just. Preston. I miss him so much because he never did anything wrong, he was just looking out for his cousin and I know Nick and I can both agree that he is family and family come first. Even if it was wrong what happened."

JJ: "What about Ryan?"

Nick: "I want nothing to do with him."

Jerome: "Had I known Ryan was doing what he did with Landon, for months before these two ever got together. I'd probably have never let him come. Or even been near him."

JJ: "I never would have thought with those two."

Jerome: "No one would have. None of us would have seen it coming but in a way. I'm glad Landon cheated on you Nick."

Nick: "Why the fuck would you say that?"

Jerome: "Because now I get to hold you and bring you close to me. Keep you in my arms where I know you are safe."

I watched him smile at me as he reached out and grabbed my hand. He had so much love for me. That I feel bad I ever went against him. Hell my first kiss I think was Jerome, and yet I still went against him and stayed with Landon instead. All because of fucking Matt. If I ever got a hold of him. I'd probably hurt him.

JJ: "We are nearly at the airport guys. Your flight leaves in an hour right?"

Nick: "Yeah, I had a feeling this would happen."

JJ: "Granted it wasn't your fault. I just, I refused to leave you at home or here at the airport by yourselves, even with Lachlan and Vik with you guys. It just, I don't know to be honest."

Nick: "It's scary."

JJ: "What do you mean?"

Nick: "Someone we know and love, doing such horrible things. I don't know how he smiles, wakes up, lives with himself for what has happened to him. He still does everything he can to make others happy."

Jerome: "Maybe that's why? Because it has happened to him he does everything he can to make sure no one else goes through that pain. So that no one else can possibly hit the lows that he has fallen to. Granted none of this is his fault. If Josh tried the whole what he wore, what he did, he cracked onto him. None of it would matter because none of it is Vik's fault. No one asks for that to happen to them. But at the end of the day. I feel like Vik uses it as a way to be a stronger person, a way to grow up and be the bigger man."

JJ: "I don't think you worded that correctly but I'm sure your right. Look guys we are nearly here and you have to run."

Nick: "But..."

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