16.) At Peace

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Scarlet's P.O.V

"We caught him. You can all go home and be at peace. He won't be able to bother you or your families ever again." Thrasher said as he entered the room Ash and I were sitting in.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

However, I don't think that I'll ever be at peace.

I'll never be okay with the fact that my brother kept a secret that big from me. A secret that ended up getting him killed.

I'm relieved though. Very relieved.

"Did you hear that Scar!? Maybe now, Michael can really cross over. He can finally move on knowing that we are all safe and Avery got what he deserved." Ashton said to me, squeezing me tightly in a hug.

"Is it weird that I don't want him to? I want him to stay here and watch over me." I said, and thought for a moment.

"Us. I want him to watch over all of us. You, Luke, and Cal. Any future significant others, or children." I said, and Ashton smiled.

"Like, a guardian angel?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. Exactly like that." I replied.

Ashton stood up off the floor and extended a hand to help me up, which I gladly took. Once we were both on our feet, we engulfed in a proper hug. I smiled slightly and let a single tear slide down my face.

"Let's go see the others. I'm sure they need hugs too." I whispered, Ash nodded and released his grip on me.

We walked out into the main lobby and saw Luke and Cal, but not my parents. I scanned the room looking for them, and realized they are in Thrasher's office talking to him. I figured that I can talk to them back home.

"Hey Scar, you hear anything? Thrasher grabbed your parents right after he walked in to speak with you. He didn't actually say much to us." Luke said and I nodded my head.

"It's all over Luke." I said as I basically jumped on him, hugging him tighter than ever before.

"That's great Scar. How are you feeling now?" He asked.

"A lot better." I said.

"Can we have a group hug? I feel left out." Calum pouted and I nodded.

Cal and Ash both wrapped their arms around us Luke and I, and I heard Calum sigh, kinda with relief. Ashton started humming, but I couldn't really pick out what song it was, but I wasn't really focused on that.

I was only thinking about Michael.

He must be happy seeing us like this.

All he ever wanted was us to all be happy. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I love you Michael." I whispered.

"He loves you to Scar." Ashton said and I smiled.

"I know he does."

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