6.) Failure

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Scarlett's P.O.V

As we pulled up to the place that the funeral would be held, tears were already falling from my eyes.

I tried to hide them but it was no use, Ashton already saw them and I think the others did to.

I just don't have anything else to do but cry. I though I'd be all cried out by now since its been over a week and I don't think there was a solid two hour span that tears didn't fall. Or that I didn't clutch my pillow to my chest and scream into it.

"It's okay Scar." Ashton said grabbing ahold of my hand again before we walked into the building

As soon as I walked in, all eyes were in me. Cousins, aunts, uncles, other family, and friends all stood there staring at me.

"Scarlett, I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. Please be strong honey, I know Michael would want that." My mums one friend Nina said. I nodded my head slowly and made my way to my seat in the front row.

I sit next to mum, and Ash and the boys are on my other side. 

Ashton still hasn't let go of my hand, and even though it is so sweaty k could really caress right now because it's comforting. And makes me a slight bit happy.

The preacher man, or whatever the hell you call him walked up to the stand and started speaking into the microphone about how Michael has made a new friend in God up in heaven, and how he's looking down at all of us smiling and all that boring bullshit that don't believe.

Mikey wouldn't be smiling, he'd be crying because he can see me crying.

He always cried with me.

"Now Scarlett will take the stand and say a few words about her brother." He said.

I slowly stood up and made my way to the microphone, with Ash by my side, and I started my speech.

"When Michael left our hotel that night, I have him specific instructions to be home by midnight. Just like any other day, he didn't listen to me. He was it coming home when the sun was coming up. But none of that matters to me anymore. Not the fact he didn't listen, or the fact that I stayed up all night worried sick about him. All that matters now is he's gonna, and all we haven't is his voice in our heads." I said, tears falling from my eyes and my voice croaking every few words.

"Michael was the best brother anyone could ever ask for. When I cried, he cried. He someone hurt me, he was always the first person to confront them. He made sure me and his friends were always safe. Always." I continued, but I couldn't do it. I covered my face and tuned right into Ashton's chest an started sobbing.

"I'm one of Michael's best mates, my names Ashton. And I told Scar if. She couldn't. Finish her speech of do it for her, so here it goes.." Ashton started

"Even though he always looked a little weird because of all the colors he put in his hair, and how he always made funny faces to make us laugh. He was a good kid. They say only the good die young, and now I see that this might just be a true statement. Rest in piece Mikey. I love you." Ashton finished the speech on the paper I had.

We walked back to our seats and sat down.

"You did good Scar." Luke whispered.

"No I didn't. I'm a failure. My brothers dead and I can't even man up enough to say a few things about him." I whispered back.

"Any of us would have done the same."

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