Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

White Dress

I sit there for most of the day dozing off from time to time again.

I finally slide down the Maple tree once the sun starts to set. I planned to walk to my home, but instead I walk past my home and into the city. Walking down an unfamiliar road, gave me time to think. Minutes.. Maybe hours past before I'm down another street when I lurch forward taking a heavy blow to the back of my head. I trip over my worn dress and fall onto a well trimmed yard. Out of instinct I flip over on my back and take out one of my three knives, just in case.

In front of me is Eyeless Jack.

I've heard of him in stories my sister used to tell me.

He'll take your kidney..

"Just relax.." Eyeless Jack says softly.

Yea.. sure that's going to happen.

"Why the hell would I relax!" I growl not in the mood for death.

"I just want a kidney."

Wait.. Did I hear him right.. A Kidney? Even though my sister told me a thousand times about him, it still surpises me.

"A kidney?" I repeat my thoughts.

"Yea, you only need one to live so give it up."


Eyeless Jack mutters something about 'mundanes'.

"Go get somebody else's." I retort after a wall of silence.

Eyeless Jack narrows his eyes, something glints in the moonlight in his hand. A scalpel.

I shudder.

He lunges at me so fast I barley have to move but in time I roll away as he stabs the space where I just was just a moment ago.

I make a break for it, but I am tripped. My chin hits the dirt ground and I groan in pain. "This would be alot easier-" He starts to say something but I cut him off, "NO!" Both of us are surpised of the anger and power in my voice. Taking my chance I run towards a random home but only make it to the lawn before being knocked to the ground.

Eyeless Jack towers above me as I prop myself up with my elebows.

This guy has to be human.. Well somewhat human.

I swing my leg across the dew scattred-grass and stifle a laugh as he falls to the ground with a THUD. He grunts and copies my movement. "What." I shoot Jack a poisoned filled look.

"This isn't worth it.." He hisses and disappears.

I breath heavily, winded, I close my eyes and think. What the hell is going on.. Before I can keep going with my thoughts, a dark wave of sudden tirednes washes over me and everything goes blurry and numb.

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