Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one

Purple Hoodie

Jack poked my injured leg with the tip of his sneaker hastily. "What's up with your sister?" He asks five minutes after Hoodie's disappearance. I shrug, my thoughts elsewhere. "Don't know, hormones or something. Would you STOP that already!" I let out an exasperated sigh as Jack froze his foot mid swing. "Well it wouldn't hurt if you let me take you to the Operator and let me fix you up." He points out with a slight sign of amusement."No!" My voice cracks an Jack turns away muffling his snickers with his knuckles. "Oh, it wasn't that funny." I roll my eyes impatiently. His snickers fade and is replaced with seriousness. "So do you think all of the Pasta's will survive, I mean we're kinda going to war, I mean as long as Offender-man keeps up -" My mouth opened slightly, and my glazed eyes give me a look of a bored and lost student in class. "Were you even listening?!" Jack throws his arms into the air as I teeter back and forth on the tip of the couch. "Uh, what?" My gaze lingers on the rows and rows of books, I could feel them closing in, the pages scratching at my skin, dust blinding me, choking me..

"I said, I don't have anything of yours." I murmur quietly. I push my glasses up to the bridge of my nose, holding the boy's gaze. "I know you have it.. I know you are trying to find your sister-" His hot breath lingers around my face as he corners me between the two walls of my temporary home. "No! I'm not trying to do anything!" I raise my voice to a yell becoming furious with my cousin, Jack. "Lair!" He bellows and bangs his fists against a book shelf, making books sail onto my head. Sitting on the floor, a sea of books surrounding me, I turn my gaze upwards to see my cousin scowling. "Weak," He mutters and paces the room. "Your weak you know that?" I hug my knees, staying silent my eyes hung up on silver bat swinging gently in his hand. Jack stops and rests the bat on his shoulder. "You want to become stronger don't you?" He grins and swing the silver weapon in the air, bringing it down on my leg. "Don't scream." He warns with a small grin. I bite down on my arm, tears spill onto my sweatshirt. I look down and see blood seeping through my jeans. Whimpering, I slowly lift my arm away from my teeth. "No sound!" Jack screams and brings down the bat towards my head. I scream and tumble out of the way. "Weak!" Jack screeches and throws the bat at me. I throw myself towards the kitchen and try to find my room. Coming around the corner, holding a small pocket knife, Jack shoves me down and snarls. "Don't ever do that to me again or else you'll go to juvey, where you belong." His blade runs softly on my arm causing beads of blood to be traced on my skin. He pushes the blade harder into my arm and grins. "You'll have to clean this up tomorrow you know that, right?" In response I spit on his eye. He grimaces and wipes his face with a free hand. "Get out of my sight." He growls and takes out his  pocket knife throwing it into the sink. Pulling me up by the collar of my shirt, he sets me down roughly and stalks to his room. I wait for the door to close before cleaning off the knife in the sink. I limp to the fallen books and put them away slowly, the knife clutched roughly in my pale hand. After I'm done I stumble down to the basement and go through my Adidas bag. I toss aside an extra outfit and Mr. Peanut. I pull out a worn book and smile faintly. Vampires, werewolves, demons, and more. Mouthing the words softly, I open the book and flip to chapter 13. Vampire: There has been many stories about vampires. All mostly the same. They suck the blood of their victims. Night hunters they are, can not survive in the sun. can be killed by fire and many others ways[see in chapter 17] Only one vampire is have known to been able to survive in sunlight; Mallire Buckston. Being bitten when only 16, Mallire knew that he would never be normal again. Running away from his family he lived off of small animals and rather larger ones as well. The sun had drifted through his cave and was resting on his dead body. Nothing happened. After years of research Mallire found that the only way to survive the sun's burning rays, was to drink the blood of a Unicorn. It was accidental that Mallire drank the blood of a unicorn but none the less he still lives in the sun to this very day. Vampire being born is a small process, after being bitten, then the vampire will find his way through the dirt and be very hungry, drinking blood of anything it can lay it's hands on. Caution: Never be near a newborn vampire."I can't stay here, I can't take it anymore.." I murmur to myself beforeI snap the book shut and shove it into my bag as well with the rest of my belongings. Swinging the bag onto my back I walk upstairs and go into the forest nervously. I limp around aimlessly hoping to find shelter. An hour passes by, probley two. I sit down by a gnarled tree before falling asleep without a second thought to the figure looming in the tree above me.

I groan and roll off the couch. "Your awake." A small polite voice says behind me. "Yes and you are to.." I snap back groggily. "Jack you may leave." Something lifts me up and places me softly on the couch. I mutter my thanks as there is a slam of the door. I lift my head to see the Operator sitting in front of me with his faceless head. "Jack came and got me once you were unconscious.. I knew you were remembering something, something important." He folds his hand into his lap. Suddenly, I became uneasy. "So, knowing this importance, I went into your dream world, with the help of Lord Zalgo gave me long ago." He inclines his head to a whiskey bottle and I screw up my face. "Uh.. Oper-" Cutting me off he continues. "Dear girl, it's what's inside the bottle, and it's certainly not whiskey I assure you," He chuckles and says in a small quiet voice. "I know Jack is just sitting around the corner there so I must tell you quietly."

"I know your a vampire."

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