Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

White Dress

"You can't love with the prophecy at hand!"

I sit on the ground, trembling. I tilt my head slightly, catching a glimpse of my sister and Eyeless Jack behind Slender-man. "Hoodie. Leave, I will talk to you later." Hoodie slips past the Operator without hesitation , Jack leaving with him as well. My sister, Purple Hoodie, yells from behind. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Ignoring her, the Operator picks me up with one of his cold, jet-black tentacles and starts out the door.Thankfully, She didn't give up so easily. She ran after us and kept yelling. After a few minutes, Slender-man turns heel and towers over my sister. "You may not proceed after us.. If you think long and hard enough you shall remember what I've told you in the past the same thing I'm going to tell White Dress. Now, leave." His voice is sharp and cold. Purple's gaze flickers to me and then back to him. "Leave." He repeats. My sister scurries away, going the direction of Jack and Hoodie, something must have spooked her enough to run away. Still carrying me, he sets me down in a oversize chair, but surprisingly comfy, but that doesn't keep me from sitting at the edge of the seat gripping the ends of the chair tightly. Once he sits down I burst with questions. "What do you mean prophecy?! What prophecy? I thought I was just an ordinary Proxy?!" I pause for a second before adding. "Or as ordinary as Proxies get!" He sat quietly, staring at my strained posture. "Are you having strange dreams?" He asks quietly, tilting his pale head. Shaking my head, I lean back trying to think if I have, but not knowing how this will help at all. "I suppose, but what has that got to do with anything?" I sit back up from my slouched position. He nods his head slightly and shuffles his papers. Suddenly, before me memories burst into my eyes. "You!" I shout, surprising myself as well as the Operator "You've been in my dreams and your freaky little slender buddies."  I narrow my eyes and jump from my seat. "Miss O'Mally -" i cut him off as quickly as he started. "My name is Dress! White Dress!" I snarl, sudden anger coming over me as it has the past couple of days. "Zoe, please sit down." The Operator looks up at me with his faceless head. I surpass a shudder and sit down. "Don't ever call me by my last name again." I mutter. "Noted." He said pointedly. "Now, your dreams. I unfortunately do not control the world of dreams. It's Lord Zalgo." I open my mouth to ask question but only to be dismissed. "I honestly don't know why he is doing this but I will find out." Blank eyed and confused I stare at him, my eyes glazed over, mind drifting back into a knot of memories.

"Please, just leave us be until Kathrine is fourteen. Until she can take care of her sister." I stand, watching my father. His gaze travels past me and to a dirty blonde hair, middle aged women. A little girl clutches her leg as she holds a small infant in her arms. My gaze rests upon a tall slender man. Long white tentacles hover lazily in the air. A small grin spreads across his face, his teeth are as sharps as Jack's and just a intimidating.  He wears a evenly sized hat with a bright red stripe running in the middle. He sways slightly making his jet-black cloak and blood red tie sway as well. "Fine." He growls. "I get your wife then." He takes a step forward toward my father and my mother presses my sister and I closer to her. The color drains from my father's face. "No. You won't do any of the sort. Slender-man won't let you." My father keeps his gaze even with Offender-man"s eyeless face. "Fine. Your children will be great in the future."  The little color that was left in my father's face left quickly, he glances back at my mother and she gives him a curt nod. "Fine, you can have us when Kathrine is fourteen and a half." My father fores every word out as silent tears roll down his cheeks. "And a half?" Offender-man inquires his smile dropping. "Well, that would be a pretty bad birthday if her parents died on the same dead.." Offender-man gaining back his smile and gives a hollow laugh. "As you wish." He turns on his heel and vanishes but not soon enough to hear the trembled cries of my mother.

"Zoe, Zoe!" Slender-man snaps me out of my trance with the snapping of his cold long fingers. "Now that your awake, I will answer any questions you have." He folds his hands onto the desk acting as if we were old friends. I blink once, twice, Trying to collect my bearings, suddenly a question slowly unfolded in my mind. "W-why can't Hoodie and I be together. I mean if we were together." I flush a deep scarlet, my gaze traveling away from the Operator. He sighs. "That you will not understand, not until you knowledge grows about us, Pastas." His voice cracks with age. I scowl and think of an other question. "Who's this 'Lord Zalgo.' Or whatever his name is." My question have seemed to lighten his mood. "Ah, well, Lord Zalgo is the ruler of a dark realm that we do not belong to. He manipulates people for his bidding. He is the highest power of our world. With all the servants he's made, he can easily go through dreams, teleport, use magic, anything he desires. A new proxy in this house may strengthen his curiosity, but two new proxies. I knew he'd target you eventually. Especially since you have great importance to our world." He falls silent, his gaze resting upon me. I let everything sink in. I knew he'd target you eventually. Great importance to our world. I stand up and stagger to the door. I slouch against the wall hearing Slender-man's chair scrap the floor as he stands up. "What are you doing?" He demands as I open the door slowly. 

"That's what I'm wondering."

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