Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-three

Yellow Hoodie

My thoughts whirled as my friends circled around my healing body. A voice enters my mind, seeming so far away I try to ignore it. It becomes rather annoying- "Hoodie!!" Ben screams at the top of his longs, his face flushed but he can't help but smile slightly in spite of what just happened. I look to my left and see a halo of black hair surrounding a pale girl. Kathrine. Zoe should be here then, right? I open my eyes a tad more and scan the room. I don't see the dark blonde hair or her pale blue eyes. I feel my heart beat quicken. I sit up strait wanting answers. I pull my mask from off the nightstand beside me and slip it on.

I should have told her how I felt, now she could be dead. 

"Leave." A deep voice echos around the room. I watch as the other proxies leave the room, except for Jack who sat at the end of Kat's bed, staring at her. "Eye-" The Operator starts to ask Jack to leave but is quickly cut off. "No, I'm not leaving her." A deep demon like growl rises from the back of his throat as he meets Slenderman's eyeless gaze. "Okay. Fine." Striding towards me, Slendorman takes off my mask and tosses it aside on an other bed. My eyes widen and I dive under my blankets. "Cody.." The Operator begins. "That's not my name." I say, my voice muffled by the blankets. "Yes it is, Cody Jasper Morgan. Also known as, C.J. I would like to explain to you what's going on but I will not talk to your mask." After a few moments of silence Slenderman says quietly. "I know where Zoe is." I stiffen and slowly take the covers off. My sea green eyes shone brightly in the dim light of the infirmary. "This isn't the place to talk about it," said Slenderman with sudden realization. "Once you and Kathrine are well enough, I will explain what happened. In the meantime, get some rest," He walks to the door before adding, "And that means you too Jack." and with that he slammed the door shut and didn't come back.

After a few hours, I become extremely bored. And I found out that watching paint dry is a lot more fun then it sounds. Finally, after punching a frowny face in the wall, Jill came in and told me I needed to sleep. I protested but she won, probably because she is a vampire. Yep, that's probably why. I pretended to sleep as Jack talked to Kathrine.

"Katy. . . I-I'm sorry, I wasn't there when you needed me most, when you needed protection. I promise, I'll protect you with my life no matter what. I know I'm a demon, I understand if you won't love me back.." I open my eyes again to see Jack take off his mask and kiss Kat's forehead. I smiled to myself before sleep finally yanked me down into it's dark world.

"Where's the Katahi sword!" Someone spits in my face and I snap at their face. My dark blonde hair drapes around my face as I bare my teeth, Blonde hair? I feel hunger claw at my stomach painfully. "I don't know where the god damn sword is!" I scream, my voice hoarse from doing this many times before. There's a sharp pain at my wrist and beads of blood start to appear, but It quickly heals. "What?"  The voice says baffled and then starts to chuckle. "So your little boyfriend gave you a bit of his power, eh?" He laughs again. "But a little isn't all." I see a glint of a sharpened sword against the chains that pulled my arms together. "Mallire please," Begging? "I really don't know where the sword is!" There is a swing of metal, I watch a thick red liquid stream from my chest, a scream that explodes from my throat. 

"Zoe!" I scream and hold my blanket, I feel a cold sweat cling to me. I run my hands through my soft, messy brown hair. "Dude, you okay?" Jack doesn't move from his spot but looks up from his crouched position. "I-I'm fine." I mumble and get up from my bed. I walk cautiously to Slenderman's office, a nasty pit of anger and worry building inside of me. "Where's Kathrine?" The Operator asks as I enter the office. "Mallire has Zoe." I blurt out. He looks at me calmly before sliding out a cushioned chair with one of his tentacles. I slump in the seat and pull my legs close to me like I did when I was a little kid.  "I know Mallire has her, I know has well that he is a vampire and what he wants. She doesn't know anything that he wants or why. She also doesn't know how far her," He pauses a minute trying to find the right word. "Abilities, will go. I understand that she has just discovered her newest power." I guess my eyes sorta looked spaced out so Slenderman started explaining. "She go into others minds, at least whoever she was thinking of. Apparently, she was thinking of you. Though of course she doesn't know how to control this. Anyways, Mallire wants the Katahi sword. It will help him in the destruction of every Proxy in existence, including herself. If he doesn't end up destroying them all, he will enslave all Proxies, whatever works out best for himself. That's all we know right now." I stare at Slenderman. I could still hear Zoe's scream ring in my ears. "You can go and tell Jack what I just told you. Come back when you please." Understanding that this is my dismissal, I stand up and walk to the door. Before I close the door I hear the Operator call after me and say, "I know this may seem a bit silly, but Kathrine will only wake when she can sense something familiar, from home, perhaps." With that I closed the door quietly and run into the hallway where the small battle took and see Dress's stuffed whale sitting in the middle of the hallway, a note attached with a smudge of something dark on  the corner.

Your angel will never sing her song, if you want to see her again bring the Katahi sword, and I'll spare her life.


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