Chapter Six

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Chapter six

Purple Hoodie

I clamber into a house, everything seemed like a dream. The wail of the boy as I pierced his heart and shoving him into a closet. His parents coming into his room and me pretending to be him.


I don't't know why I did what I did. I start to let my mind drift to the night my parents died...

Wedding music blared from my little sister's CD player. She tripped and stumbled in my mothers wedding dress. I laugh and sit on her bed holding her stuffed whale, Mr. Peanut. I wait as she clambers onto the bed to start her "wedding" with Mr. Peanut. "Say you vows Zoe." I nudge my little sister as she scrambles for words. "Oh! Mr. Peanut, you are really cool and smell like cheese puffs." She smiles widely, Mr. Peanut did in fact always smelled like cheese puffs but we never washed him. Mom made that mistake once and regretted it for a month. "Mr. Peanut you may now kiss the bri-" Mid-sentence I am interrupted by an angry wail. "Where is my wedding dress!" At the sound of my mother's anger, my sister falls backwards and scrambles to get off my mother's wedding dress off. At the same time, a small ringing sound starts and my mom wailed again in fear. I scooped up my sister without thinking and shoved her in our closet. I kissed her head and gave her Mr. Peanut. My sister too little and too scared to process what happened so quickly, sits there, frozen in fear. I grab my pocket knife that I just use for hunting and press it in front of my chest. I hear an angry cry. Father! I bolt from my room and I see my mother. Limbs bent in awkward directions she lays on the couch, dead. Before a wave of grief can get to me, I hear another strangled cry and creep towards the kitchen. My heart beating faster and faster with each step. I push open the kitchen door with care to see my fathers fear-stricken face and the attacker, a tall.. demon type thing with human features. Jet-black tentacles and paper white skin. He has no face. "Ru-" My fathers warning cry is cut off, but I don't know how, I'm already taking two steps at a time. I whip open the closet door and gather my sister. I grab an emergency bag and shove my sister out the window with slight hesitation, she wailed, dropping Mr. Peanut. I jump after her thinking of my father's last word, although he didn't finish it, I knew what he was going to say before it even left his lips.

I jolt awake as I feel something poke my side. Before my attacker can jump back I swing my hand and grab the weapon.

A scalpel.


"Hey!" A deep voice growls. "I've had enough trouble with that white dress girl, just give me one of your kidneys and I can leave!" He throws his head back and groans.

White dress..

"No.." I think for a moment and then thinking quickly, I add. "I can get you eight though.. As long as you can show me where the girl is.. The one with the white dress."

"Deal." He grumbles.

I start to slip out the room, towards the parents bedroom without further instruction.

I have the scalpel gripped tightly in my right hand. A man and women both sleep heavily as I lift the blanket and start to work. I find one of the two kidneys in the man quickly. How is he not waking up? I think as I remove one kidney.

I stare at the second one.

Am I this sick.. to end this mans life to find a girl who might not even be my sister.

My hand encloses around the second kidney.

Maybe I am..

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