Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

White Dress

Thankfully, the Operator did not peruse after me. I walk around groggily, Slender-man's story still fresh in my mind. ..great importance to our world. What did he mean by that? The prochecy I assume. Why would I be so special to a bunch of murders. I shake my head and stuff my hands into my sweatshirt pockets. "- She'll find out, she always manages too." My head snaps up as voices echos down the hall. "Well what do we suggest we do then?" says Jack, his voice bouncing off the walls. I quicken my pace, following the voices. "Well we could, uh.." Hoodie trails off and Jack gives a hollow laugh. "See! Exactly! We don't tell her and pretend everything is normal, that's what we'll do." He clasps his hands together and the noise echos down the hall as well as their voices. The three of them stood in a small room, containing a TV, small fridge, microwave, a couch, and a couple of chairs. My sister sat down and rubbed her temples while Hoodie turned around and leaned his head against the wall. "I know It's not the best plan -" Not wanting to hear anymore I step forward into the small, dim lit room. "Your right it's a horrible plan." I raise my eyebrows and lean against the frame of the doorway. My sister pops from her chairs as if she sat on needles and Hoodie turns around too quickly, so quickly that he does a double turn and trips over himself. The corners of my mouth twitches but I can't take my eyes off of Jack. "Anything you'd like to tell me, Jack." His body becomes rigid and I hear my sister mumble, "Told you so." and Hoodie snickering. "Nothing." He growls. Amusement grows on my face. I walk casually and lean my palms against the edge of the couch, only inches away from Jack. "It's a whole lot of 'nothing' if you ask me." I smirk slightly. I watch Jack's knuckles turn a deadly shade of white. "Zoe.." Hoodie says tentatively. A flare of anger flickers inside of me. "Who told you my name." I whisper. Suddenly realizing that I'm angry he flinches. "W-well, I always heard your sister say your name, I thought it'd be okay.." He trails off. "Whatever. You know what, I don't care!" I throw my hands in the air, defeated. "Keep your secrets, don't tell me why I'm so god damn important to the Pasta race. Don't tell me why I'm in some prophecy that won't let me love you!" I fling my hand  Hoodie and march out of the room slamming the door behind me.  "Dress, please, wait!" I hear Hoodie run after me but I don't slow down as he catches up. "I didn't mean to embarrass you." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly. I slow down for a minute and I hide my face as it floods with heat. "It's okay.." I mumble then add. "I shouldn't have blown on you guys like that." I freeze as warm hands enclose around my cheeks. "Do you wonder.." Hoodie trails off as if he has lost his voice. "Wonder what?" I murmur quietly, my eyes searching his mask for something, anything. "What's behind my mask." He replies quietly as we stand in the middle of the hall. "Of course I have," I whisper bitterly "There's too many secrets in this world," I add softly "but I understand if some secrets are too personal to be shown." Hoodie drops his hands and tucks his gloves lamely in his back pocket. "Yeah, I guess so." His ears became a bright red. "I gotta.. use the bathroom." I watch him leave with a knot of resentment squirming in my stomach. Is that why you can slip into the darkness as if it were a sweater. I thought numbly. Do you have any more powers? Powers that you don't know of? My feet, seeming having a mind of it's own, led me to a dark room. I peer inside cautiously, a glint of sliver and bronze flickers in my sight. I run my hands cautiously along the side of the wall. I feel my finger tips brush against a light switch and I flick it on. Slowly, the room erupts into a blinding white light. After a few minutes of blinding light, everything seems to come into focus. I look up and see the ceiling dotted with lights and iron bars. I walk to the center and notice glass walls surround the upper part of the room. A figure stands behind the glass wall, I could feel the creatures gaze burn into my skin. I scowl and turn around taking of my sweatshirt to show a tight fitted t-shirt. "If they want a show, I'll give them one." I walk the perimeter of the room, my hands grazing over each weapon. I glance upwards for a moment, but a moment long enough to see the creature who looks fairly like the Operator standing perfectly still. I stop as my hand falls on an axe. The blade was silver and deadly sharp. I grin and take it off the rack with ease. I start swinging the axe aimlessly. My mind started to clear. I notice that there is another man up in the glass-like room. They press their heads close to the glass walls to get a better watch, both have there tentacles hanging lazily at their sides.I start to focus on the axe and where I want it to be. I kept swinging until I found the hardest target there was.I hear a yell, but it sounds so distant, so far away that I ignore it. Closing my eyes, I smile, swing back the axe then forward, letting go as an ear splitting screech erupts in front of me.

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