Chapter Twenty-five

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White Dress

I woke up with a ringing pain in my head. the room seemed to spin, once again. I tried standing but only to fall. I kicked my legs and scream wanting some reaction from somebody,so I know I'm not alone.

"Hoodie!" I scream his name again as I did over and over since I was captured and put in this hellish place.  I start to remember the times I had with Hoodie and my family, there wasn't a lot but at least I would be thinking of them when I died.


I twist and turn, the cuffs scraping my wrists. Trying to figure out the owner of the voice.


Oh thank God your okay.

Hoodie? I thought you didn't believe in God.

Never mind that, what can you see.


Come on, look harder.

I peer around the dank cell.

Just darkness.


I squint my tired eyes and see a sign engraved in a gray wall.

Carnivore..? What does that mean?

No answer.



I'm going to personally kill you when I get home

I love you too, now just hang in there. We've beat the carnivores before and we will do it again. Bye.

Who are they? Why do they want me! Hoodie don't leave me!

I groan and hit my head on the cement wall behind, leaving me unconscious for a few precious hours.

"Hey."  Whisking me into wakefulness I keep my eyes close but listen intently.

"Buddy... hey. read this, this will help this damn world make sense." There was a low chuckle and a flicker of light, making me realize my eyes were open. I feel the cold stone by my feet as I hear a sliding of a book and a thump as it hits my feet. Feeling the cover I watched as a small blue glow came off the book and into thin air.

The Mortal instruments(and bonus The infernal devies.)

I can't help but laugh. How is this going to help me in a stone prison. Flipping through all the books, words started to pop up.

Eidolean, Nephilim, Downworlders, Silent brothers.

I close the book and I'm enfolded in darkness once more. To no one in paticular I start talking. "So, what your saying is this carnivore race is based off some fictional story!" There was silence. After about five minutes of silence I scream a very... un-lady-like word, then sprawl on the ground, bored as hell.

Speak like the silent.

Change like the Eidolean.

Blood of the underworld.

Marks of the Nephilim.

What am I?

That is a very good question, isn't it my dear.

Zalgo. What are you doing in my head! Come and face me like a man!

"Why do you ask so many questions my dear girl." A deep voice says with amusement. All of my feelings, old  and new seem to surge up inside of me. In return I try to get up and pull against the retrains. The started to burn against my skin, liteally, burn. I fall back and hear the sizzling of skin and the laughter of a idiot. "The pastas will find me and they'll kill you!" I shout but instead of the strong full voice I hoped for, it ended up being cracked and unsettling. "Whatever dear girl, I do not care about you and your special powers. They are useless to me, I just need your friends to come and 'resuce' you. So then I can just kill them. It will defintly be much quicker and easier then a full out war." He opened the cell and walked in with ease. "Stupid little girl, don't even think about being a hero. We all know you can't be one, your weak-" I flinched at the words and his smile grew. "stupid, and venerable. I can read your face like children book. "Just shut up!' I scream, my voice faltering even more. "I don't- oh.. your friends. Are here." He let out a chilling laugh that made my hair stand on end. "I don't need you any more, and of course I can get rid of the glamour." With a snap of his fingers the chains fell and he disappeared but the cell seemed to stay the same. I fell on the cold stone with a soft thump. Though I was free, I felt like I was still imprisoned. My eyelids fell shut and I heard the voices of Ben, Jane, and my sister. "I wonder where she is.." Ben murmured his head hanging low. "She shouldn't be far." "Poor Hoodie.. I feel so bad for him." I hated it, all the pity and sadness, for me, and they we're walking towards me, their deaths. Surely I could prevent it. Taking a deep, cold breath. I pick myself up and wander to the door, then, I scream. I hear the quickening footsteps of my friends. I listed off their name out loud as they were in front of me. I felt their questions fly past me, question after question. "and Hoodie.." I smiled and laughed. I probably seemed insane right then and there. Get on track! Right. I cant afford distractions. "Zalgo lured you here, with me. So now he's going to trap you all here. I'm so sorry.." They stared at me blankly and smiled. "W-whats so funny.. You guys are going to die!" Jeff stepped forward with his permanent smile, then lifted the butt of his knife and brought it down on me.

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