Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Purple Hoodie

Sky jumped out of my lap as my litter sister appears out of thin air, onto the end of the bed. I crawl over to her and see minor wounds except for one, I take off her dress carefully and then replace it with her favorite sweatshirt. A clench my teeth and slide out the scalpel with narrowed eyes. "Watch her." I murmur softly to Sky and then march over to Jack's room. I rape the door with my knuckles and in response I hear a small moan. I swing the door open and launch the scalpel at the nearest object, which thankfully was Jack. Missing by inches, Jack becomes alert. "Look what i found.." I bite my tongue from screaming. "Aw, thanks." Jack takes the scalpel out of the wall. "Yea I found it in her CALF!" My eyes blaze with anger, an Jack takes his time turning around. "Look, she went on the killing spree and she got in our way -" I shake my head. "I don't care, but I swear on my life, If you hurt her purposely again, you'd wish you weren't born." Voice low and Icy, Jack flinches in surprise. After a moment of silence  I step back towards the door,but he breaks the silence. "I've been wishing that ever since I was born.." I barely catch his words. I slam the door behind me as I walk out. "I shouldn't have been that mean, I overreacted.." I mutter under my breath as a dark haired girl walks by with a grin and a white hoody. "What's up?" She chirps. "Nothin." I reply darkly. "I'm Jane, I have a sister here too, her name is Jana. Anyways have you seen Jeff, I took his hoody and I don't want to give it back." I shake my head , but she ignores me. "Okay, well bye!" She chirps and heads off towards Jack's room. I sigh and shake my head. Down the hall Jane adds, "Don't worry about Jack, he doesn't really like anybody, he barely likes Hoodie!" Not lifting my spirits, I shake my head and keep walking aimlessly around the mansion. After a while, I become lost. A white and red dog trotting towards me with a smile, a human smile. I squat down and hold put my hand, taking interest in the dog. The dog sniffs my hand gingerly and pauses. Looking up at me it licks my hand slowly, and I grin. "He doesn't really like anybody.." I jump, scaring the dog, turning around I see Jack's mask in the shaft of light that filters the hallway. Words start to tumble out of my mouth before I can stop myself. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to be a jerk like that, I was just mad." I take in a much needed breath, feeling slightly lightheaded, swaying slightly. "Your fine." He says gruffly. "Do you wan to go uh, hunting or something." I rub the back of my head awkwardly. Jack's ears go scarlet which just makes things more awkward. "Sure, now?" He answers coolly. "N-now? Uh, sure." I stammer. "Come on, you too Smile." The dog called 'Smile' grinned wider and sat up trotting towards us. "No, no no! Smile is not coming with that her." Jeff comes running down the hall jabbing his finger in the air towards me. Jack shrugs and keeps walking and I follow him uneasily as Jeff's unblinking eyes follow me as I disappear in the hallway. "Smile is Jeff's dog thing, but he doesn't really take care of 'em. Don't know why Jeff is ticked at you though, or why Smile likes you so much.." I don't say anything so Jack keeps talking. "Smile, as you saw, has human teeth. I don't really know why though.." He scratches the back of his mousy brown hair and leads me outside. "Careful of hunters." His voice suddenly harden. "They've been after us proxies for a while, they will take any chance they get to harm you." He stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Come on let's go to Waller street." He guides me to Waller street and we stop in front of a small two-story house. "Off we go." He climbs a tree and follow behind him. I sit behind him on a thin branch, I hear it crack under my weight. Opening the window, Jack tumbles in quickly and turns around flinging out his arms to help. I take a leap as I hear a loud crack and feel the branch drop beneath me. I let out a small yelp, and hear Jack gasp but he covers it up with  a cough. I grip Jack's sturdy arms with great strength, my legs dangling hopelessly in the air. With a grunt of effort Jack pulls me in. I stand limply, my arms dangling at the sides, and Jack who is staring awkwardly at me. "Thanks..' I mutter and walk to a nearby bed to a boy who has just woken up. "What's going on?" He whimpers. "Please don't hurt me.." I search the little boys gaze but all I see is emptiness and feel no pity. Not turning around to Jack's burning stare, I answer. "Lie back down and I'll let you sleep.." I hear a grunt from Jack but ignore him with a wave of my hand. I bite my lip and slide out a pocket knife, my hand trembling slightly. Then, I start to sing. "Good night.." I pause, racketing my brain for lyrics. "Sleep tight, I don't know the rest of the words, just that I'm going to slit your throat tonight." Just like that, The boy is dead. A small pool of blood collects at the edge of the bed. Dipping my fingers in the small pool, I write clearly on the wall 'P.H&E.J' Jack squints at the letters and grunts. He takes out his scalpel and gets to work. Then I continue with the rest of the family. Even though, nearly everyone in the house was dead by 10p.m , the house seemed to overflow with tension.  Jack slung his sackful of kidneys over his shoulder and stands in the middle of the hallway as I lean against the wall. "Let's go," He says gruffly, but there is a trace of pleasure in his voice. A flicker of movement is caught at the edge of my vision and my heart skips a beat. "Jack -" I hear the click of a gun and at once, everything seemed to slow down. Yelling Jack's name, I step forward and hurtle Jack to the opposite wall. A pain sears through my leg as I hear a gunshot. I crumple to the ground, my legs giving out. Time, finally catching up with me, I feel Jack scooping me up and crashing through the door running back to the mansion. Everything seems to darken, seeming peaceful. I slacken but as soon as I do, I flinch hearing a gruff voice. "Stay awake." I nod my head which takes great effort. Once again I hear Jack's voice. "We're almost there.." His voice trembled slightly. I blinked and inched my hand over towards the numb spot in my leg. Almost instantly my hand is streaming with blood. My mind fuzzy, I stare at it for a few seconds before croaking. "Well, that's not cool."  Jack gives out a shaky laugh and sets me down on a couch somewhere in the mansion. "Stay still.." He murmurs, his voice strong and full. I hear the rip of my jeans as Jack cuts a hole in them around the wound. Mind still fuzzy, I flap my hand around as he works. :I-I remember when we first met.." I grin. "Oh really?" Jack inquired. "E-yup. You tried killing me for my kid- MOTHER OF GOD!" I scream and swing my arm into the wall which accidentally, made a hole. There is a small clink on the floor. "There, now let me stitch that up.." Jack trails off and he inclines his head upwards, looking at me which my nose and eyes were streaming. I bury my face in my hands. "Not cool. I mutter in my hands and Jack laughs half heartily. After five minutes of silence Jack finishes up and stands up. "You'll have to rest that for a while but I think you'll be alright." I stand up on one foot as he talks, but weak from hunger and lack of energy, I start my short journey to the floor. Holding me under the arm, Jack pulls me up and holds me against him. "Thank you." He murmurs softly in my ear and what feels like the crushing of my spine. "It's alright.. I just saved you from a leg injury." I feel my ears turn pink. "Nobody's saved me before.." He adds quietly. "Well somebody had to change that.." I smile, hoping I said the right thing. I think I did because Jack didn't let go.

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