Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

White Dress

I walk into the forest looking for my home.

Months start to pass. I don't know what month or day it is and it's driving me nuts.

I shiver as snow starts to pile around me. I find myself walking to the abandon hospital where I found the boy with the Yellow Hoodie. I felt a yearning for him, though I only knew him for less than thirty minutes.

I sigh.

I don't need anybody, not anymore.

Yes I do.

Pushing aside the battle in my mind I look ahead. My mind must be playing tricks on me because I thought I just saw a yellow hoodie.

I walk faster. I swear.. It is!

I don't know his name so all that escapes my mouth is a yell.


He turns around and I see the mask.

I run up to him and smile.

"I found you.." Why am I so excited?

"I-I didn't know you were looking.."

"Neither did I.." I can't stop smiling.

God I look like an idiot.

A ringing starts.

"You've got to be kidding me! Every time I come here.. He's here." I scowl.

I'm shoved against a nearby wall, the shadows swallowing me.

I look at Hoodie.

He looks at me.. I think.

I turn my head and see his white head and black suit. Anger bubbles inside of me but, I stay put.

Hoodie steps forward and hands the man papers. Nodding, the man accepts the papers and disappears just as he reappeared.

"Dress?" Hoodie looks around. Can't he see me?.. I step forward into the dim light.

"How'd you do that?" He asks.

"Do what?"

What did I do?..

"How'd you go into the walls?"

"I went into the wall?.."

"Never mind." He sighs and starts to walk away.

"Hey! You can't leave me!" I say a bit hurt that he would leave me, but why would I feel hurt. We just met after all.

"I'm not leaving you, your choosing not to follow.." His voice has the same depth as it did when i met him many months ago.

He's right.

I run and catch up with him my sneakers crunching on the broken glass around me. Catching up with him, we walk to the abandon hospital.

We reach the abandon hospital quickly. After ten minutes in awkward silence, Hoodie decides to say something.

"So do you want to crash here for the night?" He asks as if I'm an injured animal.

"Sure.." Not wanting to provoke him I ignore the tone in his voice.

The awkward silence returns as we walk up a winding staircase.

Eventually, Hoodie guides me to a room on the second floor with a worn out mattress and a single light bulb on the ceiling, flickering. He goes in the room and starts to drag the mattress down the hall. Not knowing what to do with myself, I help him take the mattress to wherever he is going. He starts to turn the mattress around as we turn a corner.

Walking backwards I squeeze the mattress and stare at Hoodie's mask. He stares back..I think.

I yelp in surprise as I'm yanked out of my thoughts of Hoodie's face.Weirdo.. why are you thinking about his face? Hoodie holds in a small chuckle. "Pay attention." He finally says after a few moments of silence. We end up in another room with a closet, another mattress but this one has a frame and then a handle on the floor. Before I can ask any questions he drops his side of the mattress and I drop mine. Slowly, Hoodie makes his way to his bed and sits down, leaning against the wall.

I see that he doesn't move for several minutes. Before I can stop myself I sink into the mattress, grateful for it's texture. My eyelids droop heavily, I fight sleep as soon as I see Hoodie's mask drop to the ground beside my head. I reach out for it but my arm feels like its full of lead. I pull my gaze upwards and try to glance at Hoodie's true identity but sleep washes over me before I can lift my eyes to meet his.

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