Chapter Fifteen

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Chspter Fifteen

White Dress

I mutter furiously under my breath, accidentally hitting my sister along the way. "Sorry.." I mumble and walk towards the entrance of the mansion where the Operator took us in. As I enter the lobby, I see a few proxies trickle into a room for five minutes. Finally, I see Jack and Hoodie file into the room, deciding to follow, breathing deeply as a rush of cold air sweeps around me, I melt into the shadows. "You know what to do.." A polite voice echos around the room. As I look around I see Slender-man standing in the middle of the room and most of the proxies around him. "Though, I will go through it anyways." A chorus of groans and protest ripple through the room. Waiting for silence, the Operator continues. "Now, you have until dawn approaches to destroy a city. You must not be seen, and work in pairs. I will be see you but you will not see me, keep track of your kills, and remember this is to keep our skills sharp." Then he adds "I will collect you all at dawn so remember to be by the portal you arrived in.. I think that is all." He shakes his head lightly and then nods. "Okay everyone grab on - come on Jane he won't bite." The proxies hold onto the Operator in some way, they start to spin slowly and a great rush of air holds them together. Becoming frantic, I reach out my hand and snag somebody's hood.

A rush of cold air makes my eyes water immensely. "- So, if we continue down the road we can get to city hall fairly quickly.." I see two figures in front of me shaking their heads and pointing at occupied homes. Jack and Hoodie. I can't help but feel a bit of excitement wriggle inside of me. As Jack and Hoodie head out and I follow them without hesitation. I could hear a creak of a door ,Hoodie's hushed whisper and Jack's growling, then a closing of a door. I sit in a patch of tulips and turn my head upward to see Hoodie's dangling leg, disappear through a second story window. After a minute or so, I become quite restless an scramble up, walking to the neighboring house. I creak open the door and see the flickering light of a T.V.  I take out one of my many knives as my dress skims the floor soundlessly. I see part of a head at the end of couch and recognize it as a teen boy. I bite my lip. If they can do it, so can I. I come closer to the boy with shaking hands. Can you? Fast as my arms could go, I grab the boy and hear him let out a small scream, without thinking I fling my arm into his jaw and he bites down, hard. My eyes stream as I try to silent but I whimper with pain, quickly, I stab the boy's heart, feeling numb. He stops thrashing and falls still, the light draining from his dark eyes. How could I just felt so much excitement.. I continue upstairs, doing the same thing as I did with the boy. As I sit at the foot of the master bedroom bed, looking at the pale faces of once, alive and angry parents. My thoughts wander for a minute before I think of my sister, then Eyeless Jack. I grin slightly and slowly extract kidneys from each of my victims, and placing them gently on he floor. Deciding I should at least get credit for what I have done, I paint W.D with the blood that was on the kidneys. As I finish they teen boy's forehead, which now read 'W.D', I hear the clatter of the window upstairs in the girl's bedroom. I slip out the front door and hear Jack rage. "Dammit Hoodie!" He cries, but I stop listening. Keep track of your kills,  A voice echos in my mind. Four, four kills in ten minutes. All the houses are pretty much the same, mostly containing four to five people, and at the end hearing an occasional cry from Jack and the Hoodie trying to calm him down. After a while, they go on the opposite side of town. After an hour, I cleaned out one side of town and Jack and Hoodie, the other. I sit on the edge of a water tower, looking at the now dead city. I let my mind wander, waiting for the sun to come, when suddenly, I see to figures making a beeline for City Hall. I grin and fall back into the shadows, traveling the fastest way I can, I weave through a small patch of forest and burst into the hall to see Hoodie and jack taking out security cameras. Only a mere flash of white as I pass by, neither Jack or Hoodie take much notice of me, too busy working on the cameras. I see two security guards wandering the halls, flashlights at hand, apparently hearing something. I take a deep breath and jump from the shadows colliding with one guard. I spear his throat as I hear gunshots wizz past my ear. I stand up and move quickly, not staying in one spot for too long. The second guard keeps shooting and calls for backup. I cough loudly seeing that he was distracted by getting backup. He puts his gun back in the holster forgetting I was there, thinking I disappeared. I take a step forward but pause as I hear, a dog like growling noise echo around the room. I press my lips together as a scalpel slices the mans throat finely. He collapse on top of his friend in pain but dies quickly. I suck in a cold breath and I stand face to mask with Eyeless Jack and Yellow Hoodie, which only stood ten feet away. Before any of them can move, I bolt to the nearest door which took me to a late-night meeting. I heard the jiggling of keys and gunshots and lock the door. I see thirteen people stare at me and my bloody appearance. "Erm -" Is all I say before attacking one of the council members. I hear screams and feel fresh blood on my hands. I repeat the process as Jack burst through the door, knocking a middle aged man's body away. "You." He growls. "Me and my knowledge that I just killed fifty people in one night, will leave now." I grin and fall into the wall, the cold shadows swallowing me up once more. "Come on, back to the portal!" I see Jack running to the forest where the portal is waiting for them. Sunlight starts to kill the darkness and I have to run on foot, having an advantage on Jack and Hoodie, I slow to a fast walk. Before I reach the portal, I clamp my hands over my mouth keeping myself from screaming. A scalpel is logged in my calf and its letting out a steam of blood. My eyes bulge and I bite the insides of my cheeks. I hobble to the portal and collapse inside, cold air engulfs me and I hear the shouts of Jack and Hoodie and let exhaustion pull me under.

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